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Re: Resident Calls for Privatization of MTA Long Island Bus

Posted by Mr RT on Mon Jan 3 08:38:09 2011, in response to Re: Resident Calls for Privatization of MTA Long Island Bus, posted by BusMgr on Sun Jan 2 15:30:37 2011.

1st, I see that others have made the point ... how does $10 to 15 per hour compare with Greyhound/CoachUSA, PeterPan, etc. ?

2nd, operate at a profit vs. provide a public service.
The latter is what bus service in NYC & elsewhere has evolved into.
The alternate would be much higher fares & non-union staff, A-N-D much less "service". The MTA provides service on routes that are very unprofitable & at hours where there is little or no business.

If this who's going to blink first business in Nassau County doesn't resolve itself soon it's what you are going to see, then everyone will be yelling & screaming about the horable "service".

In this area the policy has been to offer sufficient service at a reasonable fare to encourage folks to use mass transit vs. their personal cars. Government can abandon that philosophy, but do we realy want gridlock just like LA & Chicago has now ?

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