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Re: Resident Calls for Privatization of MTA Long Island Bus

Posted by Broadway Lion on Sat Jan 1 18:46:11 2011, in response to Re: Resident Calls for Privatization of MTA Long Island Bus, posted by AMoreira81 on Sat Jan 1 18:26:21 2011.

LION is a Republican. No... make that a CONSERVATIVE of the highest order. Unfortunately, taxes are not going to go away. They are going to stay, and go up in the long run no matter what you do.

It is a matter of deciding *what* you want to buy with your tax money.
ROADS! Lets build more roads. Bigger Roads. Better Roads. Express lanes and faster service. And while we are at it we can burn more OIL, because drilling for oil in the USA is a good business proposition, at least for those who work in or near the oil fields.

The 7734 with public transportation. That is for big cities, not a little county like Nassau. Besides we do not *want* any poor people moving here from New York City or Mexico City! If there is no transit then people who cannot afford cars will go away! I got my house, I got my car, and I don't need YOU!

So we privatize the bus lines. We let them charge whatever they need to run the line. The get no customers. They go bankrupt and the awful buses go away!

Or you can pay more taxes, install light rail on many routes, and try to get the fat pigs out of their cars.

Damned if you do and damned if you don't!

When LION lived in Merrick, and did not have a car, he could take a bus to the train station. There was even a bus to Roosevelt Field, but was that ever a roundabout circus if ever one there was!

And just how many cars does the average family *have* in Nassau County. The MOST cars per capita are to be found right here in North Dakota. Driving age is 14. Insurance rates are Dirt Low. No salt on the highways to rust out the cars. No public transit what so ever (unless you count the CAT in Bismarck with its 1 bus per hour headway). No wait, what *is* the bus headway on Long Island. If it is not q15min there really is no point in it, now is there.


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