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Re: Resident Calls for Privatization of MTA Long Island Bus

Posted by BusMgr on Sun Jan 2 15:30:37 2011, in response to Re: Resident Calls for Privatization of MTA Long Island Bus, posted by BMTLines on Sun Jan 2 09:05:42 2011.

Those are some of the problems that caused the failure of privately-operated transit systems. The problem grew worse when government took over the transit systems, and labor was no longer on the opposite side of the bargaining table. Since governments have been operating such systems, costs have gone up substantially more than inflation, and the wage rates that now exist in the "market" is now what governments are willing to pay, not what profitable companies can afford to pay their employees and still make a profit. Had the government not interfered with the "market" it would be possible to operate some transit systems at a profit by (1) not burdening them with unreasonable and punitive regulation, and (2) by the companies paying employees a competitive market wage--drivers earning somewhere around $10 to $15 an hour, a reasonable amount for what is essentially unskilled work.

(Note: In most cases bus driving is unskilled work because the employer trains the employee, and there is no requirement to know how to do anything but to drive a motor vehicle. This does not mean that the driver does not have important safety responsibilities; it simply means than a high school drop-out with absolutely zero vocational training can successfully be a bus driver. It is unskilled labor.)


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