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Re: Resident Calls for Privatization of MTA Long Island Bus

Posted by Gotham Bus Co. on Sun Jan 2 09:45:41 2011, in response to Re: Resident Calls for Privatization of MTA Long Island Bus, posted by BMTLines on Sun Jan 2 09:05:42 2011.

[Why isn't the MTA required to clear all bus routes of snow? Today that cost is shifted to Sanitation departments in many cities.]

The reason for that is easy: The MTA does not own or control the streets. Every municipality "owns" its streets, so plowing is properly part of the sanitation function. (Imagine the complaints from the Upper East Side that Fifth, Madison, Lexington, Third, Second, First, and York Avenues got plowed while Park and East End did not.)

Remember that Rudy Giuliani moved cops out of the subways and onto the streets specifically because he, the mayor, controlled the streets and not the subways.


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