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HISTORY OF - ex-NY EL forney Locos found in Alaska

Posted by JOE @ NYCMTS - NYCTMG on Wed Jul 12 23:14:24 2017

Hello ALL ----

A few of you here may have heard about or seen a photo here or there of those few rusting away remains of some ex-New York Elevated Railroad Forney Steam Locos sitting on a semi-flooded tundra near Nome, Alaska.

Well, here is a wepbage (LINK further below) with the entire History of when and how the locomotives got to Alaska, and the new short railroad line and small industry they were involved in building - with many excellent photos of the construction of the railroad and the related buildings taken back in 1902, 03, etc.

The Railroad and business continued along up to the big flood of 1913 when the entire railroad, equipment, and adjoining buildings were pretty much destroyed, and the line went out of business and was abandoned. And there are 1913 and present era photos of that.

These Manhattan EL Forney locomotives have rusted away where they sat from the flood, 104 years ago. FINALLY -- the whole story....and with great photos --- LINK BELOW !

NY EL FORNEYS on the Council City & Solomon River RR near Nome, Alaska

For those few fellow dinosaur-historians here who may be interested, enjoy !

Regards - Joe F


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