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Re: Terminals and ROW shared by Multiple Interurbans.

Posted by Jackson Park B Train on Sat Sep 8 14:15:58 2012, in response to Terminals and ROW shared by Multiple Interurbans., posted by Avid Reader on Sat Sep 8 09:49:57 2012.

the version I remember was NY-Chicago and sometimes a few hundred feet walking between lines. Certainly could get from Milw to Chgo, and thence to South Bend (2 of Insull's interurbans North Shore, South Shore) a few blocks from Adams Wabash to Van Buren(IC) for the connection.
The Electric Interurban Railways in America by George Hilton and John Due, Stanford U P 1964 gives cursory maps which indicate that it would be a circuitous route fromChicago to NYC but doable.


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