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Re: Terminals and ROW shared by Multiple Interurbans.

Posted by Avid Reader on Wed Sep 12 11:28:45 2012, in response to Re: Terminals and ROW shared by Multiple Interurbans., posted by 3-9 on Wed Sep 12 02:14:50 2012.

A balancing act between running at a fare priced to compete with competition (cars and Bus) and keep pace with Technology and labor cost.

Some had limits to the number of cars that could beMUsed.

Size , some smaller, but many equal in car length and capacity.

Demand, you must have customers going to and from your Point A & B, or where ever your tracks go.

The economy, a factor that helps determine riders. If the price of gas goes up, riders leave cars for trains.
If the price of a commuter ticket goes up to high, riders go back to their cars.
Each person has their own determining boundaries.

Lastly , the spelling, Commuter Vs Interurban.


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