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Re: Bombardier to Supply 300 New (R-179) Subway Cars for NYC Transit --- P.R.

Posted by randyo on Tue Jun 5 15:57:50 2012, in response to Re: Bombardier to Supply 300 New (R-179) Subway Cars for NYC Transit --- P.R., posted by J trainloco on Mon Jun 4 20:41:13 2012.

I really couldn't care less about the so called proprietary systems put into the cars. The problem with manufacturers today is that they are not held to the standard of excellence demanded by the consumers. We seem to have lost the sense of OBLIGATION that made this country great which is why we are losing manufacturing to companies outside the US. It is of utmost importance that manufacturers acceded to the demands of the consumers under penalty of the most severe consequences. Basically the standard should or actually MUST be that Regardless of who manufactures the parts all cars from a certain point will be fully compatible to the unconditional satisfaction of the MTA. How it's done is the job of the manufacturer and there should be means in place, possibly legislative that will obligate the manufacturers to perform to any and all imposed standards.


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