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Re: Bombardier to Supply 300 New (R-179) Subway Cars for NYC Transit --- P.R.

Posted by J trainloco on Tue Jun 5 18:11:51 2012, in response to Re: Bombardier to Supply 300 New (R-179) Subway Cars for NYC Transit --- P.R., posted by randyo on Tue Jun 5 15:57:50 2012.

I really couldn't care less about the so called proprietary systems put into the cars.

Okay, but then you're ignoring a fundamental part of the manufacture of EMUs. These days.

The problem with manufacturers today is that they are not held to the standard of excellence demanded by the consumers. We seem to have lost the sense of OBLIGATION that made this country great which is why we are losing manufacturing to companies outside the US.

US manufacturing standards are generally more highly regarded than manufacturing in many foreign countries. The 'standard of excellence demanded by the consumer' which you refer to is generally non-existant: manufacturing is leaving this country because most American consumers are primarily concerned with one thing: price. Cheap foreign goods have become more popular than higher quality domestic goods.

Basically the standard should or actually MUST be that Regardless of who manufactures the parts all cars from a certain point will be fully compatible to the unconditional satisfaction of the MTA.

Understand that this would COST MONEY. The days of the Transit Authority specifying relatively simple parts that will be compatible with other cars because they are equally simple are over. What you are asking for is basically like buying a bunch of Ford trucks, then buying a bunch of Chevys and demanding that all the parts in the Chevy be totally compatible with the Ford parts. Or like buying a bunch of PCs and then demanding that when you order Macs they be totally compatible with all the programs you run on your PC. And while that certainly IS possible (I.e.-windows for Mac), it costs you extra money. For the minor benefit that interoperability would provide, I doubt the cost would be worth it.


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