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Re: Bombardier to Supply 300 New (R-179) Subway Cars for NYC Transit --- P.R.

Posted by J trainloco on Thu Jun 7 17:57:42 2012, in response to Re: Bombardier to Supply 300 New (R-179) Subway Cars for NYC Transit --- P.R., posted by MainR3664 on Thu Jun 7 10:22:16 2012.

But in support of Randyo,consider that most succededing generations of PC (I have nearly zero experience with Macs) are compatible with ast genrations,up to a point. For example,basic versions of Office will work with Windows XP,Windows Vista,and Windows 7. Similarly,using Office 2010,you can "save as" in 2003-2007 formats. Thus,you can use a group of PCs of varying ages together. There does of course,come a point where that doesn't work- a PC with Windows 95 is probably useless now.

But in your example, the same manufacturer makes Windows. Not a different one.

PC to Mac is sort of like NYCT to WMATA cars...143 to 179 should not be.

No, because PC and Mac are Manufacturers, while NYCT and WMATA are customers.

Suppose the Spacely company makes Sprockets. They are the only maker. Now you decide you want to crack into the Sprocket making market. But the government says your sprockets must match Spacely's. You are now at a competitive disadvantage. You will have to spend extra money to make sure that your sprockets work with Spacely's, AND, you will not have the experience that spacely does with his design.

Go back to the example of R142 vs 142A. As mentioned In another post, they use different air suspension systems. Who is responsible for matching who?


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