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Sharpton (Re: Hundreds of Dead Civilians in Syria - Nobody Cares

Posted by Mitch45 on Sun Mar 9 15:52:30 2025, in response to Re: Hundreds of Dead Civilians in Syria - Nobody Cares, posted by AlM on Sat Mar 8 21:21:29 2025.

Someone once asked Al Sharpton why he was only concerned when white on black crime occurred, and not when black on white crime occurred. He responded that he didn't need to be concerned when black on white crime occurred because there were plenty of people voicing concerns about that. He said that not enough people spoke up when whites attacked blacks and that is why he only spoke up in those cases.

Since Sharpton is a darling of the left and someone you doubtless look up to as a liberal, I will respond similarly.

I don't need to be concerned about the Ukraine, or the Congo, or South Sudan. There are plenty of other people who are raising concerns about them. But I do have to raise my concerns when it comes to Israel and Jews because, as my mother's Auschwitz tattoo attested, nobody cares when Jews are attacked so Jews like me have to speak up.

Get it?


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