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Re: Your Secretary of State .. is this satire?

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Sat Sep 6 09:46:46 2014, in response to Re: Your Secretary of State .. is this satire?, posted by bingbong on Sat Sep 6 08:39:47 2014.

No, not at all. First off, there is much controversy to the left's "environmental science", and it's even more questionable when they say it's because "God gave them a responsibility, clearly stated in Genesis, where God first created the Earth, and then created man".
I am not saying that the right is right either in when they quote scriptures to mandate things based on 'man shall not lie with man", and so forth, but it's wrong in EITHER case. Just because you like one idea and not the other, doesn't make it right to use scripture in government mandates or policy.


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