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Re: NJT NABI buses will start to arrive in South Jersey

Posted by TRANSIT JEFF on Sat Aug 29 03:26:38 2009, in response to Re: NJT NABI buses will start to arrive in South Jersey, posted by (5) Bronx Exp on Fri Aug 28 12:35:08 2009.

The NABI buses are suburbans, not transits. They are a far cry better than the crap Flxible Metro B's now. I still would have preferred that NJT had ordered low floor buses, rather than obsolete high floor buses. I doubt that Washington Twp. Garage is any worse that any other NJT garage. And you find good and bad people where ever you go. Do you think Camden is the only place in New Jersey that has problems like that?

If there is a security problem, it should be reported and addressed. That's where onboard cameras come in handy. Trashing of a NJT vehicle shouldn't be tolorated, no matter where it happens.

You sound like a really disgruntled employee with a chip on your shoulder. I doubt you'd be satisfied if a bus was gold plated and made by Rolls Royce.


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