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Re: NJT NABI buses will start to arrive in South Jersey

Posted by TC40102A#9167 on Sat Sep 5 11:18:00 2009, in response to Re: NJT NABI buses will start to arrive in South Jersey, posted by TRANSIT JEFF on Sat Sep 5 04:41:05 2009.

When you are spending your money for equipment the manufacturer can convince the customer all they like, the bottom line is what is requested and payment for the product that is offered at the time of the contract negotiation. High Floor buses again are not obsolete and they have a very necessary purpose in a lot of places, but because of government intervention properties that were quick to jump on the low floor bandwagon are learning their lessons right now with such things as loss of ridership due to reduced capacity from a revenue standpoint.

Secondly in some places low floor buses cannot be used because they will bottom out due to the infrastructure of the roads in some places, and no one is going to pay money to change the way a street or road is built to keep a bus from bottoming out, when it's cheaper to purchase equipment that can handle the job. I stated in a post earlier on that I read in METRO magazine which did a survey and the need for high floor buses are starting to turn upwards again, for the simple fact that certain TA's are not impressed with their performance and passenger complaints have risen due to reduced capacity. THAT IS A FACT.

I'm not knocking you your opinion, so I will put that on the table now, but we all like what we like and I personally like both kinds of buses, but you have to understand your environment and what works vs what doesn't.


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