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Re: NJT NABI buses will start to arrive in South Jersey

Posted by (5) Bronx Exp on Sat Aug 29 19:46:32 2009, in response to Re: NJT NABI buses will start to arrive in South Jersey, posted by TRANSIT JEFF on Sat Aug 29 03:26:38 2009.

"You sound like a really disgruntled employee with a chip on your shoulder. I doubt you'd be satisfied if a bus was gold plated and made by Rolls Royce."

Actually I love what I do and for sure I know camden is not the only place like that in NJ. Born and raised in the Bronx but living in Egg Harbor currently I know that life. I only picked the 313 for the summer because it gave me days I needed off. I tell every passenger that walk on with food or drinks to take it off when they exit in a nice manner and it works. But there are days when I get some crazy ppl. Shit I love those 45's and 40's. What I was trying to get out is how ppl ruin whats given to them. I know drivers that smoke on the bus while deadheading or eating while driving or having a cell phone convo while driving.


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