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Underrunning Third Rail systems (was:Re: LIRR East Side Access)

Posted by WillD on Mon May 22 15:37:17 2006, in response to Re: LIRR East Side Access, posted by Dan Lawrence on Mon May 22 08:32:38 2006.

Outside of NYC, Philadelphia, Rotterdam, and Amsterdam these cities use an underrunning third rail system on their subway or commuter rail. As you can see it's quite popular in Europe.

Berlin S-bahn
Berlin U-bahn, new, wide profile lines,
Nuremburg's U-bahn
Munich's U-bahn
Hamburg's S-bahn
Hamburg's U-bahn
Oslo's T-bane
Prague Metro
Brussels Metro
Sophia Metro
Vienna Metro
Copenhagen Metro
Barcelona Metro
Helsinki Metro
Stockholm T-bana
Warsaw Metro
Bucharest Metro
Minsk Metro
Moscow Metro
St Petersburg Metro
Kazan Metro?
Kiev Metro
Kharkov Metro?
Tashkent Metro?
Baku Metro?
Tblisi Metro?
Dnepropetrovsk Metro?
Samara Metro?

I'm fairly certain I missed more than a few, and that's just in Europe and Russia. Most of the former Soviet systems have few pictures, but they usually did things on a standardized basis, so I included them with question marks. Looks like the Cairo Metro oddly enough uses underrunning third rail, as does the Sao Paulo Metro.


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