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[PHOTOS] SIRT Abandoned South Beach Branch

Posted by Bill Newkirk on Fri Mar 22 16:47:49 2019

Photos taken in 1979 and 1987. The ROW has been filled in and homes built along the way.
All the steel trestles have been remove except one.
Let's look at what remained years after service ceased.
Cross streets and stations may or may not be correct. Please let me know so I can document it.

Trestle spanning Virginia Ave. (January 1979)

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Closeup of B&O styled SIRT logo. (January 1979)
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Another trestle, this one spanning St. John's Ave.(January 1979)
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Same trestle, eight years later, top view. (December 1987)
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Ft. Wadsworth station. (January 1979)
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Possibly Ft. Wadsworth station. (Decemeber 1987)
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Fingerboard Rd bridge. (December 1987)
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Rosebank station (December 1987)
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Possibly the other end of Rosebank. (December 1987)
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Staircases for the Rosebank station. (December 1987)
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If my memory serves me correct, the Verrazzono toll plaza should be beyond that dirt fill.
But the dirt fill looks too recent [at time photographed] (December 1987).

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Unknown station. (December 1987)
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Mysterious underpass - unknown location. (December 1987)
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Looks can be deceiving. It appears that decades of foliage was removed to reopen the line, but that's not the case.
The task has begun to fill in the ROW, wiping out the railroad altogether. (December 1987)

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I am standing on fill where the South Beach ROW cut once was.
Homes will be built on this land. (December 1987)

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When everything is filled in, only the green colored fencing will remain. (December 1987)
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The trestle spanning Robin Rd still stands today with homes built on both sides. (December 1987)
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Closeup of builders plate for the Robin Rd trestle. (December 1987)
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Want to view more history of this branch ? Then click HERE

Thanks in advance for all positive praise.


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