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NJ town pulls *graphic* gay sex books from *required* summer reading after parents' outrage

Posted by Olog-hai on Tue Aug 23 16:19:45 2011

Yes, graphic. Drugged-up orgies, descriptions of graphic sex between a 31-year-old woman and a 13-year-old girl, "required reading" for high school honors sophomores? Sounds like this Earling fellow approved of the smut-peddling.

Gloucester County Times

Risqué summer reading selections have parents upset, school officials scrapping books in Monroe Township

Published: Monday, August 22, 2011, 4:00 AM
By Rebecca Forand/Gloucester County Times
MONROE TWP. — Summer reading has been a time-honored tradition at schools across the country, but for one local school it has caused more controversy this year as arguments about content and age-appropriateness have ensued.

While students have traditionally reported to the bookstore to pick up their copies of “Of Mice and Men,” “Catcher in the Rye” and “Great Expectations,” Williamstown High School’s students had a new list to choose from — a list that included three books that many parents believe included material not suitable for children.

One such selection, “Norwegian Wood,” which was on the required reading list for incoming tenth-grade honors English students, includes a graphic depiction of a lesbian sex scene between a 31-year-old woman and a 13-year-old girl.

“I don’t think that’s relevant for any teenager,” said Robin Myers, whose daughter was assigned the book. “I was just kind of in shock.”

Another selection, from the seniors honors class, “Tweak (Growing up on Methamphetamines),” describes a drug-fueled, homosexual orgy.

The school board received multiple complaints from parents at its board meeting Thursday, and the school’s administration has since removed the books from the list.

“Some of the language is inappropriate, and we missed it in our committee that scanned the books,” said Superintendent Chuck Earling. “When you have a problem and make a mistake, admit it. I admit we should have screened the reading details more so.”

The summer reading curriculum has changed throughout the years at many schools, as the older “classics” are abandoned for newer, more cutting-edge books that districts hope will interest students more.

At Gateway Regional High School, the required reading lists for its students includes a multitude of choices, some of which could possibly include questionable material. But the school details that information in the summer work packet that is sent home and available online.

For its tenth grade students, there are 74 books in four categories, some of which are marked with an asterisk to denote that the book could have “mild, non-explicit controversial content to content involving adult situations, drug/alcohol use, excessive violence, and/or vulgar language.”

“We let the parents know right from the start. We try to be honest with people and say ‘if you don’t want your son or daughter to read this, we understand,’” said Gateway High School’s Principal Steven Hindman. “I think it’s important that kids have some choice sometimes and our list allows them to.”

Earling thinks that despite the controversy over this year’s book list, it is still important to switch it up on occasion. “You want to spur interest in kids reading that fits their needs, not that of people in the 1930s,” he said. “Interests change.”

The school has decided to use this negative incident as a learning experience, according to Earling. For next year’s reading list, the school hopes to add some parents to the committee that chooses summer reading selections, which currently consists of staff members and administrators, and to utilize software that can scan books for inappropriate material.”


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