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Re: NJ town pulls *graphic* gay sex books from *required* summer reading after parents' outrage

Posted by Amanda on Tue Aug 23 18:42:16 2011, in response to Re: NJ town pulls *graphic* gay sex books from *required* summer reading after parents' outrage, posted by Olog-hai on Tue Aug 23 18:34:48 2011.

Why is this argument nonsense? I've had very frank discussions with her and I was quite surprised how much she knows.

I'm not saying every 13-year-old is going to be emotionally mature enough to read this, but teenagers should pick up this book at some point. What do you think is the appropriate way to show them the realities of meth addiction? A Lifetime movie?

You feel disgusted at Nic Scheff for a good part of the book, including the graphic scenes like this. It's not for some perverted reading pleasure.


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