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Re: People abroad not liking us

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Sat Jan 29 13:52:31 2005, in response to Re: People abroad not liking us, posted by #4 Sea Beach Fred on Sat Jan 29 13:24:42 2005.

Geez Unca Fred ... election's over ... I'm sincerely disappointed in your words, and I say this to you out of respect as a FRIEND. Note my absence in the other comments with respect to politics. I dunno WHAT kinda drugs the GOP is swilling lately (and frankly, I'll drink hemlock first) but what's with the *HATE* in your words? This ain't about Bush in particular, President Bush is merely a reflection of the will of a majority of the (uneducated) public who thinks NASCAR is sport, and Jerry Fallwell's name is really "Jesus" ...

"A House divided against itself cannot stand" ... I *know* you know whose words those are. Europe, Asia, the MALDIVES are all part of one tiny little blue orb in space ... I had HOPED the photo sent back fromt he moon might have made that point. It is *NOT* unpatriotic to tell a politician (used car salesmen rate HIGHER in "customer approval" in the latest JD POWER surveys) that they're full of chit and go stuff themselves. Brain Salad surgery optional and where permitted by law. :)

But telling the rest of the world to go stuff it? Nope! I'm a PATRIOTIC American myself, and I believe that the rest of the world DOES have the right to participate in discussion, as clearly as I believe that as a "Benevolent Despot" in our so-called "sole superpower" status, that it is INCUMBENT on America to *BE* the "benevolent despot" which we claim to be now ... for the good of an ENTIRE "blue orb" ...

The republicans are trying to sell "freedom" to the rest of the world. Now step back for a second and think here ... is *THIS* the so-called "freedom" we're trying to SELL? Rush? Shouting down those who don't march like Nazis in lockstep? Are we "jackbooted thugs?"

And we wonder why Iraq is saying, "PTOO to your "freedom," we can already TELL that it sucks!" :(

If the United States is planning on bringing about a "New World Order" then it would seem incumbent upon "us" to SMILE when we're trying to peddle our wares as being the penultimate solution to world peace. After all, you can't be selling "world peace" when you're telling the Brits to "go the back way" or telling the French that they're "pédé," or that any OTHER human in the "Pax Americana empire" that they're no more significant than monkeys.

Whatever happened to the MAGNANIMOUS "United States" that was a shining example to the world of FAIRNESS, REASON, and TRUE liberty? Oh yeah, republican Yahoos. "Big hat, no cattle." :(

C'mon Fred - YOU have brain cells ... drop the parrot routine and express what I *know* is really in there. There is a whole WORLD out there ... and it behooves us to once again get out there. We're already the GOP hardon of a "uberpower" ... but even the ROMAN empire had enough sense to work with the countries they tried to conquer. "Winning hearts and minds" and all that BS ... are we REALLY projecting the BS we're spreading thick and deep lately?

"America" has become a BULLY ... is THAT what we're all about? Think about it, with my deepest respects. I've never done this before to you, but it needs to be said, and once again with my deepest respect. BULLSHIRT to your expression there. :(


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