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Re: People abroad not liking us

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Mon Jan 31 12:09:46 2005, in response to Re: People abroad not liking us, posted by #4 Sea Beach Fred on Mon Jan 31 12:03:41 2005.

Dewwwwwwwwd! :)

Yeah, caught that, but then again ... who reported it? Why, that LIBERAL MEDIA ... think I'm going to be a sucker for a three card monty game from the MEDIA? Heh. Reality check - Iraq was once run by the SUNNI's (or at least those PRETENDING to be religious) ... Sunni's were given a pass in the old regime. It was the Shi'ites and the Kurds who were on the outs, and THIS election was a turnout of mostly the "minorities," as the Sunnis not only boycotted, but sent out all those car bombs to prevent it from happening. Now, from a historical standpoint, when a nation's "majority" boycotts an election, and the minorities "rack them up" ... what do YOU think the outcome might be, post election (also considering that the "interim government" was largely blowed up BEFORE the election?

Since you were a teacher, I'll refer to Mister Rogers ...

Can you say, "Messy civil war, boys and girls? I knew you could." :)

Let's see how Condi works this sidewalk act ... sure, this is GREAT news for the CLUELESS, but any student of history is biting their nails about now ... no? Think ... what if CLINTON had engineered this morass? You can tell by my behavior once the election's over, all politicians are whores unless proven otherwise in MY book ... let's see where this goes. I smell disillusionment in Crawford. :(


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