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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Nov 23 13:03:54 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Hank Eisenstein on Wed Nov 23 10:25:06 2011.

You may be right about people not considering walk times when it is only 5 minutes or so, but they will consider it when it becomes significant like half their total trip time: 15 minutes riding and 15 minutes walking and that isn't unreasonable for SBS.

So you are saying that if people feel they are saving time, that's all that matters even if they really aren't. Success is defined by realities not perceptions. I guess you would call it success if people felt safer but in reality the crime rate actually rose.

People also overestimate their travel time savings by taking the express over the local so does that mean we should end all express service?

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Nov 23 13:05:18 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Nov 23 12:55:19 2011.

You did NOT apologize for certain things you were wrong about in that thread. Furthermore, AFAIK you have NOT apologized for the completely disrespectful way you treated many people here in the Atlantic Av thread. And you CONTINUE to disrespect people here by stating that no one has ever shown you to be wrong. You have been shown to be wrong COUNTLESS times.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Nov 23 13:07:50 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Nov 23 13:03:54 2011.


15 minutes riding and 15 minutes walking and that isn't unreasonable for SBS.

How do you know? You've never ridden an SBS bus route!

So you are saying that if people feel they are saving time, that's all that matters even if they really aren't.

Yes! OMG! You think you're some sort of "planner" and you don't know that?@?@@?@?@?@?@?@??!!?!? You're such a fake.

People also overestimate their travel time savings by taking the express over the local so does that mean we should end all express service?

Huh? What? How did you come to the conclusion that that means we should end all express service? What in the world?

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Nov 23 13:08:57 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by ntrainride on Wed Nov 23 00:18:17 2011.

I am not trying to take credit with the ideas they coincidentally came up with that I also thought of. Merely that I thought of them many years before they did. Of course I realize that people cone up with similar ideas all the time

As far as the statement being contradictory, how so?

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Railman718 on Wed Nov 23 13:10:10 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Railman718 on Tue Nov 22 00:59:45 2011.

This post deserves a bump...

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Nov 23 13:15:24 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Nov 23 13:07:50 2011.

As I said it is useless to debate with you since you are not even capable of reading an English sentence by coming to the erroneous conclusion that I stated we should end all express service.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Nov 23 13:20:18 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Nov 23 13:15:24 2011.

Nope. You said "so does that mean we should end all express service?" I asked how you came to that conclusion. Very simple question. Very very simple question. You made a statement, now how did you come to it?

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Nov 23 13:22:44 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Nov 23 13:15:24 2011.

And because I need to treat you like a baby, let me further clarify and make my words even more precise. You expressed a line of reasoning and then posed a conclusion in the form of a question. I'm asking you how you made the jump from that line of reasoning to that conclusion in the form of a question. What I'm asking you to do is really very simple - just explain what in the world you are talking about. Can you do that?

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Nov 23 13:34:56 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Nov 23 13:20:18 2011.

It is a question not a statement? Apparently do do not understand the difference. I asked the question because Hank stated that actual trip times including walking did not matter since people don't consider them according to him. So I basically asked him if that means we should plan by perceptions and not by reality since people generally overseer mate their tome savings by using an express train by not considering the extra time they have to wait for one if a local comes first.

As long as you ask a question like a decent human being I am able to answer you. I just don't want to waste my time in circular logic debating which is your specialty.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Nov 23 13:35:36 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Nov 23 13:34:56 2011.

That question mark was a typo.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Wed Nov 23 13:59:24 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Nov 23 13:03:54 2011.

So you are saying that if people feel they are saving time, that's all that matters even if they really aren't. Success is defined by realities not perceptions.

Success is defined by the degree to which the facility is actually used. Yes, if giving people a false perception of time savings means they will be more likely to ride, then by all means it should be designed to give that perception.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Nov 23 13:59:49 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Nov 23 13:34:56 2011.


It is a question not a statement? Apparently do do not understand the difference.

Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System (249197)

I asked the question because Hank stated that actual trip times including walking did not matter since people don't consider them according to him. So I basically asked him if that means we should plan by perceptions and not by reality since people generally overseer mate their tome savings by using an express train by not considering the extra time they have to wait for one if a local comes first.

Using that reasoning, I don't see how you come to the question of asking if express trains should be ended. Using that reasoning, it seems to me it's saying that people love express trains. So why ask about ending them? Doesn't make any sense.

As long as you ask a question like a decent human being I am able to answer you.

I almost always ask a question like a decent human being. The only times I don't is when I'm responding to someone who isn't acting like a decent human being.

I just don't want to waste my time in circular logic debating which is your specialty.

Nope. What you call "circular logic debating" is you simply not understanding what I'm clearly saying. Instead of asking questions about what I said, you go and get your panties up in a bunch. You need to try harder and ask for help/clarification more often. Just like what I did above. You wrote a really weird sentence so I asked what you meant by it. I didn't start ranting and raving about decent-ness and circular logic! LOL!

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Nov 23 14:00:18 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Wed Nov 23 13:59:24 2011.

Exactly. Shouldn't planners know that?

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Nov 23 15:08:27 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Wed Nov 23 13:59:24 2011.

Unless the reason they are riding the SBS is because local service has deteriorated because of the implementation of SBS so people are walking four or five extra blocks to the SBS because they see them coming one after the other while 15 minutes has passed and there is no local bus so they reluctantly ride the SBS.

Although I have not experienced this myself, I have heard it from riders. While this forum seems to overwhelmingly favor SBS, users of SBS on other forums are not so gung ho over the project. Many oppose it. I consider myself somewhat in the middle.

Success may be defined to the degree the facility is actually used when talking about baseball stadiums or the like. It is not so clear cut in Planning. There is success for the operator and there is success for the user. The two are not synonymous.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Nov 23 15:24:43 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Nov 23 13:59:49 2011.

Then perhaps the question I should have asked is if people perceive express trains to be faster and in actuality they may take longer when you factor in the extra wait time for them, should we run them when people will not be saving time by using them?

If the answer is yes, does that mean we should do all our planning that way, for example, employ our police so that people feel safer although crime may be actually going up? Is perception more important than reality which is what you both seem to be saying?

I disagree. I say you plan for reality not perception because if you do the latter, you are not improving conditions.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by R 36 ML 9542 on Wed Nov 23 15:42:10 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Nov 23 13:05:18 2011.


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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Nov 23 15:59:56 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Nov 23 15:08:27 2011.


Unless the reason they are riding the SBS is because local service has deteriorated because of the implementation of SBS so people are walking four or five extra blocks to the SBS because they see them coming one after the other while 15 minutes has passed and there is no local bus so they reluctantly ride the SBS.

Although I have not experienced this myself, I have heard it from riders.

So you even though you've never experienced this yourself and have only heard it from riders, you are using it as a reason to argue against SBS? That's ridiculous. The few times I have used SBS, I did not experience this problem. Why don't you STUDY the issue before simply taking the "riders" for their word and knocking the existing SBS lines as well as knocking future SBS lines?

While this forum seems to overwhelmingly favor SBS, users of SBS on other forums are not so gung ho over the project. Many oppose it. I consider myself somewhat in the middle.

Such as the forum of sophisticated bus riders?

Success may be defined to the degree the facility is actually used when talking about baseball stadiums or the like. It is not so clear cut in Planning. There is success for the operator and there is success for the user. The two are not synonymous.

Obviously the public agency/operator is looking to either make money, break even, or lose as little money as possible (i.e. require the smallest subsidy possible) all while best fulfilling its mission of meeting the needs of its customers w.r.t providing transportation services. "Success", as the knowledgeable people use it, means that both the customers' needs are met and the operator's needs are met.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Nov 23 16:00:15 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Nov 23 06:05:22 2011.

Well..if you look back through history..did I lie?
HISTORY is my witness..and like I said before,you jack ass..I never denied my feelings...

Does any of this make me a "racist"..no..
What IT DOES MAKE ME..is a realist. One that stands unafraid to tell the TRUTH that people like you dance around. I am LIVING PROOF of what I speak knowing my family history..
Are you upset? Does it bother you that I can be so damned blunt..and YOU hate me for it? That your problem..its utterly okay for YOU to disrespect someone with out cause..yet if we do it..its a problem.
Again...its okay..I truly dont give a shit about YOU nor others LIKE YOU that cry "racism" where there is non..or run from the blinding light of truth. Keep smokin that crack pipe,son.

Also..it must take a very petty person to go search for this piece just to "attempt" to prove me "wrong".
Are You THAT fucked up..?
Did I damage you sense of self by showing you up over two day running..?
Get over yourself little man..you had it THAT and more comming for awhile now..and Im not even close to being finished with you..yet.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Nov 23 16:01:40 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Nov 23 06:05:01 2011.


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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Nov 23 16:02:59 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Nov 23 06:04:15 2011.

WOW...I must have hit a major nerve!

GOOD job!

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Nov 23 16:04:05 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by R 36 ML 9542 on Wed Nov 23 15:42:10 2011.

Nope, you son of a motherless goat. I will keep on posting, partially because I know how much it upsets YOU.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Nov 23 16:04:08 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Nov 23 06:02:06 2011.

WOW..hit a MAJOR NERVE,did I?

Then I did my job..

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Nov 23 16:09:26 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Nov 23 15:24:43 2011.

his problems are simple..
hewas majorly owned by me multiple times..now he needs to vent his frustration on SOMEONE since he had a major FAIL.

He's a dick..simply put..and the more you try to debate WITH him..the more he fails.
Time wasting with this troll is fun..untill it become boring.

Me..im gonna ride him like a horse all day.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Nov 23 16:12:17 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Nov 23 13:05:18 2011.

HAH..You NEVER offer any sort of apology for ANY of the hateful things you post..so don't expect any from any of us,man bitch.

I became your worst enemy.

Your obsession with " I WIN" Earned you this verbal ass kicking.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Nov 23 16:15:08 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Railman718 on Tue Nov 22 08:49:05 2011.

Oh yeah..he's More than livid,now..

He's showing his bitch side..and caused him to have a major breakdown..!

I love it!

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Nov 23 16:16:47 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Nov 23 12:55:19 2011.

Hah..thats right..stick to your guns.NEVER allow the pious jerkoffs break you.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Nov 23 16:20:20 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Nov 23 06:02:30 2011.

LOL!..Must be despate now..
Did I touch a nerve?

Looks like your reaching now...what did that take you all night to GOOGLE>?

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by BigBusDriver on Wed Nov 23 17:09:47 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Nov 23 16:04:05 2011.

Nope, you son of a motherless goat.

Now THERE'S some Truth, Justice and whatever.
HOWEVER, your 'logic' mission is a GIGANTIC FAIL! if a goat has no mother, LOGICALLY, it can't exist. If it can't exist, LOGICALLY it can't have a son. So your statement is a FAIL


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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Nov 23 17:25:58 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Edwards! on Wed Nov 23 16:00:15 2011.

Think of the irony. We are both Jewish and you are black. You stick up for me. He dislikes the both of us. Yet, he states that you are the racist.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by BigBusDriver on Wed Nov 23 17:27:27 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Edwards! on Wed Nov 23 16:00:15 2011.

Edwards, this is the little girl that started a thread to GLOAT over a minor issue! And then she danced and pranced all around the mulberry bush with the (secret) (key mysterious music) REAL REASON!
Never did tell THAT story BREE!


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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by BigBusDriver on Wed Nov 23 17:30:22 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Nov 23 17:25:58 2011.

AND an Anti-Semite! We can't forget BREE'S favorite tag/title!


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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Gold_12TH on Wed Nov 23 18:04:41 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Nov 23 13:05:18 2011.

Go fuck yourself, you retarded low-life backstabbing hypocritical mentally-deranged shithead.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by BigBusDriver on Wed Nov 23 18:30:07 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Gold_12TH on Wed Nov 23 18:04:41 2011.

Glass house, anyone? And has THAT apology ever been issued? Glad I wasn't eating when I saw that, Gold_12TH!


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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Nov 23 22:06:31 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Nov 23 06:02:30 2011.

Hmmmm...Okay..I've got a question for you.

You point out ANYWHERE in my statement where I said directly "I hate white people"..
As a matter of fact show me ANYWHERE ANY POST where I said I hated white people..
Aslo..SHOW ME PROOF where I said I hated jews..Show me in ANY POST..ANYWHERE where you can QUOTE ME DIRECTLY..despicable liar.

What is this a ploy of yours to try to show me up,little man?
To "prove" you were right in some sick twisted by digging up some totally unrelated subject matter,thus proving ONCE AGAIN how low browed,plibian shir for brains of a bitchass you are?

Good try,dickhead..once again you utterly fail.
how does that dirt taste?

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Nov 23 22:15:57 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Nov 23 06:03:27 2011.


Show me where its says I hate them..or "jews"..

Prove it,or STFU.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Nov 23 22:18:14 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Nov 23 06:02:20 2011.


prove it..show me EXACTLY WHERE IT STATES that I hate them..or hate jews..
Show me ANYWHERE you can QUOTE ME..


DONT LET ME HAVE TO USE MY pimp hand on you.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Nov 23 22:19:48 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Nov 22 11:49:01 2011.

Prove it or STFU.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by BigBusDriver on Wed Nov 23 22:35:09 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Edwards! on Wed Nov 23 22:18:14 2011.

:::::::: waiting for the pimp hand to slap some bitchassness out of BREE-ANNE :::::::::
and I am....


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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Nov 23 22:36:58 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Nov 23 17:25:58 2011.

I could care less about how he feels.
he has nothing but contempt for ALL OF US HERE..yet he continues to post,playing the BIG MAN behind the keyboard talking garbage.

Yes I am third generation Jewish American..Native American..and Afro American all wrapped in a neat little package. If ANYONE has a right to say anything about the human experience,its me.

by saying Im racist..he'd figure it would "set me off"..or end my foray against him by presenting "proof that I am racist"...
But what it show us is how far this fool is willing to go so he can "win"..what he showed us was a reply I made to someone here showing what HISTORY shows us..
That boy has some major growing up to do..

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Nov 23 22:41:08 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BigBusDriver on Wed Nov 23 17:27:27 2011.

He'll never be half the man his wife is.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Nov 23 22:41:26 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BigBusDriver on Wed Nov 23 17:27:27 2011.

He'll never be half the man his wife is.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Nov 23 22:50:14 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Nov 23 15:08:27 2011.

Man..I have to give it to you dealing with these so called "transit experts"..for some reason..they REALLY have a axe to grind against you.

keep up the good fight. never give up or give in!

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Railman718 on Wed Nov 23 23:34:06 2011, in response to How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BrooklynBus on Mon Nov 21 11:05:09 2011.

Ah I see the pwnage continues if he got any sense he should let it go..

He's losing this battle big time..

Though the "I'm mostly right and hardly wrong" mentality may prevent this..

Still if you csn please continue with the amusement..

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by LRG5784 on Thu Nov 24 00:17:27 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BigBusDriver on Wed Nov 23 22:35:09 2011.


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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Nov 24 00:56:37 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Railman718 on Wed Nov 23 23:34:06 2011.

oh yeah..people get what they ask for..and he asked for it.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Railman718 on Thu Nov 24 01:00:21 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Edwards! on Thu Nov 24 00:56:37 2011.

Funny thing is hes all bravo when his buddies are in a thread to back him up, but if the pimp hand comes down hard in a thread he runs and hides..

Or repiles late at night or early in the AM.

Then runs and hides again...

Me on the other hand have taken all of them on in a thread and then some...

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Nov 24 01:35:28 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Railman718 on Thu Nov 24 01:00:21 2011.

yup..he operates best when he figures hes might have someone on the receiving end of his bullshit...with him/her on the defensive.

bunk that..I go for the juggler..ripe and tear,ripe and tear some more till hes leakin like a sleeve..not to mention..but ill do it anyway,that nothing compared to what hes done to this board as a whole...And what he would JUST LOVE to do to us personally.

BUT..since he lacks the cohones to even try..he'll drag us through the mud with accusations of ANTISEMITISM/RACISM what nots.. its really pathetic when you think about it.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Railman718 on Thu Nov 24 01:51:42 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Edwards! on Thu Nov 24 01:35:28 2011.

Still it makes for good comedy though kinda pathetic if you are all talk behind a screen but everybody knows you are a coward in person...

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Thu Nov 24 02:22:01 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Nov 23 12:55:19 2011.

An outright denial of certain facts and an inability to even acknowledge that other points of view may exist on an issue is usually considered to be stubbornness. I've had my disagreements with plenty of posters on this forum over the years. You come across as very stubborn to me in the threads where you push your blog posts and also in others.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Thu Nov 24 02:23:04 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Edwards! on Wed Nov 23 16:16:47 2011.

In other words, he should maintain his stubbornness. Thanks for proving my point.

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