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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Nov 23 16:00:15 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Nov 23 06:05:22 2011.

Well..if you look back through history..did I lie?
HISTORY is my witness..and like I said before,you jack ass..I never denied my feelings...

Does any of this make me a "racist"..no..
What IT DOES MAKE ME..is a realist. One that stands unafraid to tell the TRUTH that people like you dance around. I am LIVING PROOF of what I speak knowing my family history..
Are you upset? Does it bother you that I can be so damned blunt..and YOU hate me for it? That your problem..its utterly okay for YOU to disrespect someone with out cause..yet if we do it..its a problem.
Again...its okay..I truly dont give a shit about YOU nor others LIKE YOU that cry "racism" where there is non..or run from the blinding light of truth. Keep smokin that crack pipe,son.

Also..it must take a very petty person to go search for this piece just to "attempt" to prove me "wrong".
Are You THAT fucked up..?
Did I damage you sense of self by showing you up over two day running..?
Get over yourself little man..you had it THAT and more comming for awhile now..and Im not even close to being finished with you..yet.


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