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Re: PHOTOS: Oh You Didn't Know?!

Posted by Bee Flexible #823 on Wed Apr 20 01:27:53 2011, in response to Re: PHOTOS: Oh You Didn't Know?!, posted by DaRidgewoodBusBuff on Tue Apr 19 19:01:05 2011.

WTF is wrong with you?! You're such an idiot! What the hell do you want Fresh Pond to have...ONLY new buses? Will you ever learn this is how the MTA operates? What kind of bus buff are you? From the looks of it, not a very good one. You sound like a grumpy old fart. GET OVER YOURSELF AND DEAL WITH IT! The bottom line is that the MTA doesn't care what you or I think or want buses to be at. They're going to do what THEY WANT to do anyways. At least FP is getting more modern buses. But your babbling has got to end and NOW! It is VERY OLD!
Do you work? What if you were had to be in work at a certain time and you were running late and the only bus that you had to take was 8856. What would you do...run late because you're not going to ride it because it did not originate at FP? What if you could NOT be late and that was the 1 and ONLY bus to take? Then what would you do?

Here are the buses that I had today. As you will see, it is mixed:
B24 #4553
(G Train in between)
B41 #9074
(N Train in between)
M3 #6394
(E Train in between)
Q23 #9318
Q88 #8896
Q60 #5969
Do us a favor and ride 1 1996 Nova RTS "hand me down" bus. I'm telling you, you will NOT be disappointed. Quit being such a JACKASS and ENJOY THE FLEET INSTEAD OF BITCHING ABOUT IT! I'M SICK AND TIRED OF SEEING THIS DAY IN AND OUT! GROW UP AND DEAL WITH IT!


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