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Re: PHOTOS: Oh You Didn't Know?!

Posted by Bee Flexible #823 on Sun Apr 24 00:08:24 2011, in response to Re: PHOTOS: Oh You Didn't Know?!, posted by DaRidgewoodBusBuff on Sat Apr 23 19:48:45 2011.

You're such a jackass! You're going to do what you want to do anyways regardless of what anyone else is implying.
Honestly, if I wanted to be like you, (to which I do not), I can do that with every single Hybrid that I see because I don't like that they replaced the GMC and TMC RTS and Orion Vs for that cheap plastic craftmatic adjustable electric wind up golf cart toy garbage. However, I'm not going to reject it all together-especially if I need to take a bus or two somewhere. If I got to take it, so let it be it.
That's what I'm trying to say to you. If you had to take 8753 to get somewhere by a certain time, why can't you let it be it? But then again...why am I wasting my time talking to a rock? You're no better than you know who is. So therefore...


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