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Re: PHOTOS: Oh You Didn't Know?!

Posted by Bee Flexible #823 on Mon Apr 25 15:16:56 2011, in response to Re: PHOTOS: Oh You Didn't Know?!, posted by DaRidgewoodBusBuff on Mon Apr 25 00:06:11 2011.

Like I said, you're going to keep doing what you want to anyways regardless of what anyone says. I can tell you the same old thing over and over and over about the 1996 RTSs to you until you're blue in the face. But I decided that I'm going to. Why waste my time talking to a rock?
And BTW, for the record: I HAVE taken QV and JAM routes. I've been on buses 8877 and 8896 recently out of QV. They BOTH ran very well. Heck, if 6425 would've showed up, I would've rode on it.
Jamaica..I'll admit that they are a little harder to find but I'll find them. My last ride on a bus out of that depot was on 5153...an original 1999 Nova.
Fresh Pond happens to have the RTS Fleet that I enjoy the most at the moment.
Heck, I even accept those upper 3900s because it now gives me the ample opportunity to ride and photograph those buses. I never got the opportunity to do so when they were at CAS. I'd even ride on a few of the 6500s if they showed up. There are a few in particular that I'd ride for a particular reason...sound effects...and not healthy sounding ones either.
You're going to keep being a stooge about the fleet instead of enjoying it. If you're a true bus buff, you're supposed to enjoy the fleet...not bash it. So it came down here at an older age? SO WHAT? At least you can get a chance to ride it? But then again, it goes back to my first point so...


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