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Re: 2969 BX30, more today

Posted by mcorivervsaf on Fri Dec 10 20:04:39 2010, in response to Re: 2969 BX30, more today, posted by AMoreira81 on Fri Dec 10 19:49:24 2010.

Schoolkid reaction was mostly positive! When the driver mentioned to some of the riders about the age of the bus, I heard the following comments:

"Damn, this an old ass bus!"
"This was the s**t they had back in the day?"
"I wish I brought my camera!"

One kid thought the bus was from "like 1965", until I had to correct him! (Someone said something similar on my ride this morning!) Most of the kids just took pictures with their cellphones while the bus was in motion. Some complained about the lighting, they thought it was too dim, but I thought that was a unique aspect of the ride. One complained about the cold, since the bus wasn't equipped with heating like the current fleet of buses, go figure! But, I think it was a great experience for those who were fortunate to see and ride it! After all, that's what really counts!


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