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Re: What happened to the Bx-7 museum buses?

Posted by r17-6599 on Sun Dec 12 12:30:31 2010, in response to Re: What happened to the Bx-7 museum buses?, posted by Terrapin Station on Sun Dec 12 00:15:08 2010.

Brian, you & I have never actually had any real issues, granted. In fact I have been guided by some of your first hand info, such as getting a new camera or scanner. However I posted what I did because I know that if someone on this board had posted an "I heard" message, you would have jumped right on top of him for it.
Like many other posts here, it pisses me off to see an "interesting" thread only to see senseless banter and hearsay. I scan these threads & others in order to learn things helpful in my hobby; I like to post the same.
If you had told me YOU saw a vintage on the Bx7, I'd give you the benefit, but I'd still prefer a photo as proof. You can & do take bus pix, so it would not be unreasonable to ask, although I know it is not always possible.
Being a fan, like many here, flaming aside, can be considered a true expert or historian, just because of what I & the others do. I'd accept as true much of what is said here, if it is first hand knowledge, WAAAAAAAAAYY before believing a bus driver or dispatcher.
I could tell you horror stories!
So, again, don't expect people to accept what you said "you heard", in fact keep the "I heards" to yourself; that should go for the rest of us too.
And please don't hook up meaningless threads to my original picture post or anyone else's. Let's be somewhat professional.


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