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Re: What happened to the Bx-7 museum buses?

Posted by rionOne on Sat Dec 11 18:00:59 2010, in response to Re: What happened to the Bx-7 museum buses?, posted by Osmosis Jones on Sat Dec 11 17:19:46 2010.

Listen, when I started driving bus, all I knew was power steering until I got involved with bus ownership with some friends of mines. Since then I've driven quite a few buses without power steering, isn't easy, BUT it isn't all that hard neither, as long as the bus is rolling the steering isn't all that different from power steering. Yeah, you gotta put a little more into turning but shit, thats what they did from MINUTE ONE until the Grumman buses showed up.

Shit back then bus operators didn't need to go to the gym!

All we have now are a bunch of steerers, where are all of our REAL BUS OPERATORS!!!!!!



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