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Re: What happened to the Bx-7 museum buses?

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Sun Dec 12 10:47:20 2010, in response to Re: What happened to the Bx-7 museum buses?, posted by Newkirk Plaza David on Sun Dec 12 10:26:30 2010.

I can't talk about what I don't see. Your baiting is far more irritating to me than Brian's requests that John check his email or the flame wars/insulting sub-threads I manage to avoid before you try dragging me into them. When I come across something that warrants calling out Brian, I'll do it, but my apologies in advance if I'm "silent" on account of being able to eye likely flame wars and then electing not to read them. I don't have time to read every post here so I try to figure out what likely has real content and stick to that.

Either take my explanation for what it is or leave it. If you really want to, you can email me, you have my address.


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