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Re: How NOT to handle an encounter with police (Re: ROBBED BY A COP— PROPERTY DESTROYED!)

Posted by Fred G on Thu May 3 14:19:03 2007, in response to How NOT to handle an encounter with police (Re: ROBBED BY A COP— PROPERTY DESTROYED!), posted by railbus63 on Thu May 3 13:07:29 2007.

I'm sorry but your bend over and hope for the best approach is wrong. You have every right to tell them that it's unlawful to demand your camera and look at the photos and especially take it out of your sight. You have every right to request their names and badge numbers if you have a problem with them. You DON'T have the right to get aggressive and start calling them names, or in general getting pissed off and abusive. I've been with Nilet when confronted by the police and can vouch for his courtesy, so it's not like he went out of his way to piss anyone off.

We need to remain assertive and stand our ground on this. I agree with Chris when he says "I'd rather risk getting blown up than live like this".

your pal,


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