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Re: Intermediate Station Fare Payment on SIRT (was:Re: Scrap pecking order with R44-SI)

Posted by AMoreira81 on Sun Sep 3 16:26:54 2006, in response to Re: Intermediate Station Fare Payment on SIRT (was:Re: Scrap pecking order with R44-SI), posted by David of Broadway on Sun Sep 3 15:41:43 2006.

If SI residents can pay the most, then hit the ones who can pay the most: THE MOTORIST RESIDENT, by ending the discounted toll for them (IIRC, SI residents pay $4.60 toll at the Verrazano instead of $9). The difference, and it would add up SIGNIFICANTLY, would then be redirected to transit (there would also be a litany of fees on motorists, mostly related to parking and tolls, that would be largely to fund the MTA's PUBLIC TRANSPORT divisions, but whose discussion doesn't beloing here).

As for the issue of votes: Staten Island residents can vote at the polls against it, but they are also only 1/16 (and THAT is being generous) of the total NYC population, and the MTA (as a toll bridge operator and mass transit operator) could do various things towards motorists who complain about losing the discount from dismissing the complaints as whining to downright ignoring them, as the deck of the other four boros is stacked against them.


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