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Re: Intermediate Station Fare Payment on SIRT (was:Re: Scrap pecking order with R44-SI)

Posted by J trainloco on Sun Sep 3 23:02:40 2006, in response to Re: Intermediate Station Fare Payment on SIRT (was:Re: Scrap pecking order with R44-SI), posted by tydev417 on Sun Sep 3 22:58:06 2006.

Not when other factors would be involved such as weatherproofing the Metrocard turnstiles as mention earlier, rearranging the platforms for the implementation of a fare-zone at all the stations which could involve losing staircase entrances or expanding some platforms.

It would still eventually re-coup. Esp since SI is growing.

You accuse the Staten Islanders of being stupid whiners for wanting to shut down the largest refuse heap in human history? Staten Island's population had already grew to large proportions by the time the landfill was closed and the landfill produced exceedingly high levels of pollution to the surrounding areas.

Queens residents should complain about the noise from the airports, and demand that they be closed. And the Ravenswood electric plant? It generates a large percent of the pollution experienced in NYC. CLOSE IT NOW!!!


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