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Re: Port Authority commish wants new bus terminal, not WTC; 7 train to NJ - not dead yet.

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Sat Mar 29 03:01:38 2014, in response to Re: Port Authority commish wants new bus terminal, not WTC; 7 train to NJ - not dead yet., posted by Olog-hai on Sat Mar 29 02:53:59 2014.

I don't suppose that you realize that all of those "receivers in bankruptcy" did the railroads a huge favor by taking on their "cost centers" that they no longer felt could be profitable and provided service, allowing them to be free to stick with what was profitable? And in the end what happened? Spared from those crushing expenses by handing them over to the taxpayer, they went tits up anyway after being liberated from those "crushing costs" and sticking the taxpayers with the bills of decades worth of their own neglect.

I can't speak for Amtrak, never worked with them. But as to Gonerail? They did AMAZING things with no money, and their people were top notch and dedicated. And by the time the GOP decided to privatize them and hand them off to other railroads after SO much rebuilding of the old wreckage had been completed, the private sector didn't want any of their passenger commitments either. Which is WHY the MTA took over the commuter lines, and other taxpayer agencies did so elsewhere.

Fact is, railroads never wanted passenger service, and reality proves it. They want the rails, but NOT the geese.


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