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Re: Port Authority commish wants new bus terminal, not WTC; 7 train to NJ - not dead yet.

Posted by Olog-hai on Sat Mar 29 02:53:59 2014, in response to Re: Port Authority commish wants new bus terminal, not WTC; 7 train to NJ - not dead yet., posted by Nilet on Sat Mar 29 02:01:26 2014.

Maybe he's just sick of your repeated assertions that the Pennsylvania would still be running passenger service today if only the government had collapsed in the 1950s and plunged the country into a state of anarchy that persisted for the next sixty-odd years

No, he's always like that with one-liners.

And the absence of big centralized government is not anarchy. (But then again, you think that somehow Obama is "moderate to far right" on anything.)

The government takes over all rail service, and may choose not to operate the Crusader

That is exactly what happened from the 60s to the 80s, with the creation of both Amtrak and Conrail, along with other entities such as the MTA, NJ(DO)T and SEPTA. And what was the result?—the greatly-downgraded Crusader came to an end in 1981 or so when Conrail stopped running passenger trains and the city government of Philadelphia replaced Reading Terminal with the CCCT (spelling the end of the SEPTA/former-Conrail diesel services since they weren't re-routed to 30th Street Station).

The government regulates rail service but doesn't run it, and all passenger trains shut down in the 1970s or 80s when the railroads go bankrupt

What do you mean "when"? You keep ignoring the reason for the bankruptcy, whatever argument you're trying to make will be as full of holes as Swiss cheese.

The government stops regulating and all passenger trains shut down in the 1950s or 60s when the railroads, unburdened by ICC dictates, discontinue their unprofitable passenger service

That's a false scenario. Railroads were not going to shed passenger routes when they can actually make money on them—and the reasons they weren't making money on them was regulation, taxation and subsidizing the competition.

BTW, whether you realize it or not, you are validating the existence of the Acela Express in its current form, with the weight of the trainsets, the curtailed active tilt, the slower speeds on Metro-North/ConnDOT, the whole nine yards. Also, were you aware that the federal government was promising 160-mph passenger train operation on the Northeast Corridor 45 years ago?


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