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Re: Bombardier to Supply 300 New (R-179) Subway Cars for NYC Transit --- P.R.

Posted by Handbrake on Mon Jun 4 22:13:36 2012, in response to Re: Bombardier to Supply 300 New (R-179) Subway Cars for NYC Transit --- P.R., posted by Widecab5 on Mon Jun 4 20:16:33 2012.

R179 four (4) car sets will be sent to the East to replace the remaining R42's, and to flesh out the small number of R143's according to the Gods at 130 Livingston Street.

Why do individuals believe that a line served by a particular car class, and train length today, such as the C, will continue to run the same train lengths tomorrow, and not run 600 foot trains made up by a 60 foot long car class?

480 foot train lengths on the "C" line are inadequate, especially during rush hour along Fulton Street, where the majority of station exist are located towards the platform ends. This results in "C" train customers sprinting on the platforms to make it to a crowded last car.


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