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Re: Abandoned Utica Ave Upper Level (Pix Coming Soon) & 76th Street Saga

Posted by handbrake on Sun Jan 8 14:17:16 2012, in response to Re: Abandoned Utica Ave Upper Level (Pix Coming Soon) & 76th Street Saga, posted by tunnelrat on Sun Jan 8 13:13:07 2012.


I will assume NHRR being New Haven RR?

From the description of the two PO's provided, it appears that if a station was situated at 76th street, it could have never seen any revenue service based not only on its construction finish, but with no direct physical connection to the main line from Euclid.

This would then raise the question of why a subway station would be built with no direct access to the main subway line?

Lastly, unless the entire length of the unfinished subway were filled in completely with earthen fill, access to that area would have had to remain to allow for periodic site inspections of the subway tunnel as is the case for the unfinished sections of the 2nd Avenue subway built in the 1970's.

If not filled in, then as a result of required tunnel inspections, emergency telephones would have had to been installed just as they were installed in the 1970's built 2nd Avenue tunnel sections, and subject to routine inspections by NYCT telephone maintainers.


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