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Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff

Posted by AlM on Thu Sep 19 10:15:51 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Sep 18 20:58:46 2024.

If we survived the 60s we can survive anything.

Neither JFK, LBJ, or Nixon tried to subvert the Constitution the way Trump did.

The civil unrest of the 60s was no big threat to our country. Ditto for current civil unrest. Jan. 6 was a criminal riot, but it didn't threaten our country, any more than the worst BLM riots did. The fake elector plot did.

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Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Sep 19 10:28:35 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by AlM on Thu Sep 19 10:15:51 2024.

Lo@lm!! Such dramatics!

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Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Sep 19 11:08:22 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by AlM on Thu Sep 19 10:15:51 2024.

"The civil unrest of the 60s was no big threat to our country."

Sure it was. Between the assassinations, race riots, cities burning (Newark, Detroit e.g.) Viet Nam, the draft, draft dodgers fleeing to Canada, "Hawks & Doves" clashing. College protests, Kent State (1970) on and on. We're lucky our country wasnt torn apart back then
We have nothing even close to that these days.

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Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff

Posted by AlM on Thu Sep 19 11:18:14 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Sep 19 11:08:22 2024.

We're lucky our country wasnt torn apart back then

How would our country have been "torn apart"?

Yes, those events were very serious, but none of them was a threat to the stability of the country.

The fake electors plot was a deliberate attempt to subvert the Constitution. What came even close to that in the 60s? The worst that Nixon could have done would have been to successfully stonewall, survive impeachment, and leave office on 1/20/1977. There was not the slightest threat that he would subvert the 1976 election.

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Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Sep 19 11:49:08 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Sep 19 11:08:22 2024.

None of those things were a threat to the republic. Vietnam wasn稚 going to invade us, and the civil unrest was easily put down, just like the BLM riots and the 1/6 riot were put down.

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Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff

Posted by Olog-hai on Thu Sep 19 12:03:19 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Sep 19 11:08:22 2024.

Some people won't listen. And we had the USSR backing that unrest too.

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Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Sep 19 12:46:00 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Sep 18 20:51:42 2024.

He always uses Latin because using words that people don稚 know when there are better options is a way to hide his bad arguments.

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Re: Bump: shrillary Wants pro-Trump Posters Jailed

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Thu Sep 19 14:09:46 2024, in response to Bump: shrillary Wants pro-Trump Posters Jailed, posted by Train Dude on Thu Sep 19 09:34:08 2024.

Yeah but to be fair, she also said to never accept the result of the election no matter what, the machines are rigged, and other moderate liberal positions.

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Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff

Posted by AlM on Thu Sep 19 14:36:06 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by Olog-hai on Wed Sep 18 23:20:59 2024.

by the number of voters that the government says there are

Done that. I haven't found a reputable source that agrees with your numbers. Neither can you.

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Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff

Posted by 3-9 on Thu Sep 19 17:31:24 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by AlM on Thu Sep 19 11:18:14 2024.

Yes, those events were very serious, but none of them was a threat to the stability of the country.

I wouldn't quite put it that way. More like, they weren't a big threat to the underlying fundamental rules and laws of our country, but the polarization was pretty destabilizing.

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Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Sep 19 20:01:03 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Sep 19 11:08:22 2024.

He couldn't understand Why, because he had no invested interests. We

He Can't understand Why people fought for "Civil Rights"..
CIVIL being the pronoun And VERB here.

Civil Treatment, the Right to be seen and Heard as a full human being.
The ability to participate in Government function,elect government officials,to own property,a simple bank account.
To go to school, be whatever you decide you want to be in this life, without the Gatekeeper telling you what you can't do.

He didn't have to deal with Anything like that.
So how could he relate?

My grandma was a professor at Benedict College,in South Carolina.
She left the South when it was discovered that even within her HBC,she could Not advance beyond what she was doing, because of "politics".

My grandma was also a Civil Rights protester, often participating in those events.
She was known for being outspoken,"a trouble maker", and one of "those people who didn't know her place".
When my father was born, she had to make a decision, for herself and her children.

She was issued one "death threat" too many.
She left the employment of a place she loved, because they enabled a negative bias.
She left her home because of the same reasons.
She came to New York City, to her husband, with two small children in tow.

She didn't allow the Klan to scare her into silence.
She didn't allow the Klan, and the other racist bigoted folks (white or black) to stop her from doing what she loved.

Some of you have never witnessed a large group of people, yelling and screaming at you.
Didn't know what it was like to face off a crowd of people calling you every thing but Child of God.

Throwing things at you.
Trying to hurt you.
Some of you never had family members hate you because you were strong, and they were weak.
Some of you never had some one walk right up to you and spit on you just because They thought they were "superior".

Call you "Nigger,dat gurlnigger,dat bitch,or niggress"

You sit comfortably, home or work, wherever,away from the things the news kept hidden.

My own granduncle was murdered by by White Men,who hated what my family was doing towards furthering Civil Rights.

They murdered him, snatched him and two others when they were handing out flyers for a meeting.

The police did nothing, except stonewall the investigation, did nothing to find the killers, except tell them they are "working on it".

My great-grandfather decided it was time to leave.
He had enough of his blood being spilled, enough of his children dying for the right to exist in a place that literally hated them.

He also moved to NYC.

He later learned that it was the very police department that killed my great uncle David and his two friends,then covered it up.
What made it worse,was the fact they were doing this on a "regular".
Sometimes letting their victims go, only wanting to scare them into silence.
Others,they murdered, because they were "dangerous".
They were caught,made to "disappear".

My dad told me the stories of the days before he ,my grandma and my aunt got on that Grayhound bus to NYC.

I have never forgotten it.

This is history, people.
My father is living proof of that.
He always told us, Never get too comfortable with people.
They are always willing to do something strange for change.

"Skinfold" aren't Always "Kinfolks".

"The Devil Loves Your Flesh, because He wants to be You, so he attacks you, because he Can't Be You".

I use to think he was nuts, until I learned Who we are, and Why we Are.
Then I understood.

It's acceptable for those people to dismiss what has been done to the "tribes" of the past.
To dismiss everything.
To act like nothing ever happened.

It's Easy for Maga to wish for the 'good ol days', hardly ever seen what that was like.
It's easy for the Republicans ultra r6, liberal Democrats who don't have a clue, to say what Could have been,or Could be.

It's easy for the people Here to do what they do,in light of lacking experience of the things that they are wishing for.

No doubt there Are some here that are fully aware of the past, and want to see those good old days revived.
This is MAGAs intent.
This is Why They hate what I say Here, to them.

I tell the Truth about Their motives, what is in their hearts.
Why they hate You.
They want You to believe it's "political".
It's not.
It's Never been.

It's Always been Ethnical.

There has Always been something about Culture, that has a vice around the heart of them.

Don't believe me?
Watch events,watch people.
Watch the locations of said events and the folks who responded to them.

Watch People play "politics" with regional events.
Watch them stumble about to justify THEIR REASONING, while dismissing Yours.
Watch PEOPLE, what they Say.
Watch them use every dirty trick to invalidate You, while giving themselves a *big Up*.
Watch them try to confuse you with "concepts of Right and Wrong",good and Evil"

Watch them continuously lie To You, to cover the Lie they already told you.
Watch Them spin lie after lie after lie,to convince you they are telling You the Truth.

Watch EVERY Single Post Here, Including mine, and you will see for your self.

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Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Sep 19 20:01:33 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Sep 19 11:08:22 2024.

He couldn't understand Why, because he had no invested interests. We

He Can't understand Why people fought for "Civil Rights"..
CIVIL being the pronoun And VERB here.

Civil Treatment, the Right to be seen and Heard as a full human being.
The ability to participate in Government function,elect government officials,to own property,a simple bank account.
To go to school, be whatever you decide you want to be in this life, without the Gatekeeper telling you what you can't do.

He didn't have to deal with Anything like that.
So how could he relate?

My grandma was a professor at Benedict College,in South Carolina.
She left the South when it was discovered that even within her HBC,she could Not advance beyond what she was doing, because of "politics".

My grandma was also a Civil Rights protester, often participating in those events.
She was known for being outspoken,"a trouble maker", and one of "those people who didn't know her place".
When my father was born, she had to make a decision, for herself and her children.

She was issued one "death threat" too many.
She left the employment of a place she loved, because they enabled a negative bias.
She left her home because of the same reasons.
She came to New York City, to her husband, with two small children in tow.

She didn't allow the Klan to scare her into silence.
She didn't allow the Klan, and the other racist bigoted folks (white or black) to stop her from doing what she loved.

Some of you have never witnessed a large group of people, yelling and screaming at you.
Didn't know what it was like to face off a crowd of people calling you every thing but Child of God.

Throwing things at you.
Trying to hurt you.
Some of you never had family members hate you because you were strong, and they were weak.
Some of you never had some one walk right up to you and spit on you just because They thought they were "superior".

Call you "Nigger,dat gurlnigger,dat bitch,or niggress"

You sit comfortably, home or work, wherever,away from the things the news kept hidden.

My own granduncle was murdered by by White Men,who hated what my family was doing towards furthering Civil Rights.

They murdered him, snatched him and two others when they were handing out flyers for a meeting.

The police did nothing, except stonewall the investigation, did nothing to find the killers, except tell them they are "working on it".

My great-grandfather decided it was time to leave.
He had enough of his blood being spilled, enough of his children dying for the right to exist in a place that literally hated them.

He also moved to NYC.

He later learned that it was the very police department that killed my great uncle David and his two friends,then covered it up.
What made it worse,was the fact they were doing this on a "regular".
Sometimes letting their victims go, only wanting to scare them into silence.
Others,they murdered, because they were "dangerous".
They were caught,made to "disappear".

My dad told me the stories of the days before he ,my grandma and my aunt got on that Grayhound bus to NYC.

I have never forgotten it.

This is history, people.
My father is living proof of that.
He always told us, Never get too comfortable with people.
They are always willing to do something strange for change.

"Skinfold" aren't Always "Kinfolks".

"The Devil Loves Your Flesh, because He wants to be You, so he attacks you, because he Can't Be You".

I use to think he was nuts, until I learned Who we are, and Why we Are.
Then I understood.

It's acceptable for those people to dismiss what has been done to the "tribes" of the past.
To dismiss everything.
To act like nothing ever happened.

It's Easy for Maga to wish for the 'good ol days', hardly ever seen what that was like.
It's easy for the Republicans ultra r6, liberal Democrats who don't have a clue, to say what Could have been,or Could be.

It's easy for the people Here to do what they do,in light of lacking experience of the things that they are wishing for.

No doubt there Are some here that are fully aware of the past, and want to see those good old days revived.
This is MAGAs intent.
This is Why They hate what I say Here, to them.

I tell the Truth about Their motives, what is in their hearts.
Why they hate You.
They want You to believe it's "political".
It's not.
It's Never been.

It's Always been Ethnical.

There has Always been something about Culture, that has a vice around the heart of them.

Don't believe me?
Watch events,watch people.
Watch the locations of said events and the folks who responded to them.

Watch People play "politics" with regional events.
Watch them stumble about to justify THEIR REASONING, while dismissing Yours.
Watch PEOPLE, what they Say.
Watch them use every dirty trick to invalidate You, while giving themselves a *big Up*.
Watch them try to confuse you with "concepts of Right and Wrong",good and Evil"

Watch them continuously lie To You, to cover the Lie they already told you.
Watch Them spin lie after lie after lie,to convince you they are telling You the Truth.

Watch EVERY Single Post Here, Including mine, and you will see for your self.

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Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Sep 19 20:02:06 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Sep 19 11:08:22 2024.

He couldn't understand Why, because he had no invested interests. We

He Can't understand Why people fought for "Civil Rights"..
CIVIL being the pronoun And VERB here.

Civil Treatment, the Right to be seen and Heard as a full human being.
The ability to participate in Government function,elect government officials,to own property,a simple bank account.
To go to school, be whatever you decide you want to be in this life, without the Gatekeeper telling you what you can't do.

He didn't have to deal with Anything like that.
So how could he relate?

My grandma was a professor at Benedict College,in South Carolina.
She left the South when it was discovered that even within her HBC,she could Not advance beyond what she was doing, because of "politics".

My grandma was also a Civil Rights protester, often participating in those events.
She was known for being outspoken,"a trouble maker", and one of "those people who didn't know her place".
When my father was born, she had to make a decision, for herself and her children.

She was issued one "death threat" too many.
She left the employment of a place she loved, because they enabled a negative bias.
She left her home because of the same reasons.
She came to New York City, to her husband, with two small children in tow.

She didn't allow the Klan to scare her into silence.
She didn't allow the Klan, and the other racist bigoted folks (white or black) to stop her from doing what she loved.

Some of you have never witnessed a large group of people, yelling and screaming at you.
Didn't know what it was like to face off a crowd of people calling you every thing but Child of God.

Throwing things at you.
Trying to hurt you.
Some of you never had family members hate you because you were strong, and they were weak.
Some of you never had some one walk right up to you and spit on you just because They thought they were "superior".

Call you "Nigger,dat gurlnigger,dat bitch,or niggress"

You sit comfortably, home or work, wherever,away from the things the news kept hidden.

My own granduncle was murdered by by White Men,who hated what my family was doing towards furthering Civil Rights.

They murdered him, snatched him and two others when they were handing out flyers for a meeting.

The police did nothing, except stonewall the investigation, did nothing to find the killers, except tell them they are "working on it".

My great-grandfather decided it was time to leave.
He had enough of his blood being spilled, enough of his children dying for the right to exist in a place that literally hated them.

He also moved to NYC.

He later learned that it was the very police department that killed my great uncle David and his two friends,then covered it up.
What made it worse,was the fact they were doing this on a "regular".
Sometimes letting their victims go, only wanting to scare them into silence.
Others,they murdered, because they were "dangerous".
They were caught,made to "disappear".

My dad told me the stories of the days before he ,my grandma and my aunt got on that Grayhound bus to NYC.

I have never forgotten it.

This is history, people.
My father is living proof of that.
He always told us, Never get too comfortable with people.
They are always willing to do something strange for change.

"Skinfold" aren't Always "Kinfolks".

"The Devil Loves Your Flesh, because He wants to be You, so he attacks you, because he Can't Be You".

I use to think he was nuts, until I learned Who we are, and Why we Are.
Then I understood.

It's acceptable for those people to dismiss what has been done to the "tribes" of the past.
To dismiss everything.
To act like nothing ever happened.

It's Easy for Maga to wish for the 'good ol days', hardly ever seen what that was like.
It's easy for the Republicans ultra r6, liberal Democrats who don't have a clue, to say what Could have been,or Could be.

It's easy for the people Here to do what they do,in light of lacking experience of the things that they are wishing for.

No doubt there Are some here that are fully aware of the past, and want to see those good old days revived.
This is MAGAs intent.
This is Why They hate what I say Here, to them.

I tell the Truth about Their motives, what is in their hearts.
Why they hate You.
They want You to believe it's "political".
It's not.
It's Never been.

It's Always been Ethnical.

There has Always been something about Culture, that has a vice around the heart of them.

Don't believe me?
Watch events,watch people.
Watch the locations of said events and the folks who responded to them.

Watch People play "politics" with regional events.
Watch them stumble about to justify THEIR REASONING, while dismissing Yours.
Watch PEOPLE, what they Say.
Watch them use every dirty trick to invalidate You, while giving themselves a *big Up*.
Watch them try to confuse you with "concepts of Right and Wrong",good and Evil"

Watch them continuously lie To You, to cover the Lie they already told you.
Watch Them spin lie after lie after lie,to convince you they are telling You the Truth.

Watch EVERY Single Post Here, Including mine, and you will see for your self.

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Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Sep 19 20:02:34 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Sep 19 11:08:22 2024.

He couldn't understand Why, because he had no invested interests. We

He Can't understand Why people fought for "Civil Rights"..
CIVIL being the pronoun And VERB here.

Civil Treatment, the Right to be seen and Heard as a full human being.
The ability to participate in Government function,elect government officials,to own property,a simple bank account.
To go to school, be whatever you decide you want to be in this life, without the Gatekeeper telling you what you can't do.

He didn't have to deal with Anything like that.
So how could he relate?

My grandma was a professor at Benedict College,in South Carolina.
She left the South when it was discovered that even within her HBC,she could Not advance beyond what she was doing, because of "politics".

My grandma was also a Civil Rights protester, often participating in those events.
She was known for being outspoken,"a trouble maker", and one of "those people who didn't know her place".
When my father was born, she had to make a decision, for herself and her children.

She was issued one "death threat" too many.
She left the employment of a place she loved, because they enabled a negative bias.
She left her home because of the same reasons.
She came to New York City, to her husband, with two small children in tow.

She didn't allow the Klan to scare her into silence.
She didn't allow the Klan, and the other racist bigoted folks (white or black) to stop her from doing what she loved.

Some of you have never witnessed a large group of people, yelling and screaming at you.
Didn't know what it was like to face off a crowd of people calling you every thing but Child of God.

Throwing things at you.
Trying to hurt you.
Some of you never had family members hate you because you were strong, and they were weak.
Some of you never had some one walk right up to you and spit on you just because They thought they were "superior".

Call you "Nigger,dat gurlnigger,dat bitch,or niggress"

You sit comfortably, home or work, wherever,away from the things the news kept hidden.

My own granduncle was murdered by by White Men,who hated what my family was doing towards furthering Civil Rights.

They murdered him, snatched him and two others when they were handing out flyers for a meeting.

The police did nothing, except stonewall the investigation, did nothing to find the killers, except tell them they are "working on it".

My great-grandfather decided it was time to leave.
He had enough of his blood being spilled, enough of his children dying for the right to exist in a place that literally hated them.

He also moved to NYC.

He later learned that it was the very police department that killed my great uncle David and his two friends,then covered it up.
What made it worse,was the fact they were doing this on a "regular".
Sometimes letting their victims go, only wanting to scare them into silence.
Others,they murdered, because they were "dangerous".
They were caught,made to "disappear".

My dad told me the stories of the days before he ,my grandma and my aunt got on that Grayhound bus to NYC.

I have never forgotten it.

This is history, people.
My father is living proof of that.
He always told us, Never get too comfortable with people.
They are always willing to do something strange for change.

"Skinfold" aren't Always "Kinfolks".

"The Devil Loves Your Flesh, because He wants to be You, so he attacks you, because he Can't Be You".

I use to think he was nuts, until I learned Who we are, and Why we Are.
Then I understood.

It's acceptable for those people to dismiss what has been done to the "tribes" of the past.
To dismiss everything.
To act like nothing ever happened.

It's Easy for Maga to wish for the 'good ol days', hardly ever seen what that was like.
It's easy for the Republicans ultra r6, liberal Democrats who don't have a clue, to say what Could have been,or Could be.

It's easy for the people Here to do what they do,in light of lacking experience of the things that they are wishing for.

No doubt there Are some here that are fully aware of the past, and want to see those good old days revived.
This is MAGAs intent.
This is Why They hate what I say Here, to them.

I tell the Truth about Their motives, what is in their hearts.
Why they hate You.
They want You to believe it's "political".
It's not.
It's Never been.

It's Always been Ethnical.

There has Always been something about Culture, that has a vice around the heart of them.

Don't believe me?
Watch events,watch people.
Watch the locations of said events and the folks who responded to them.

Watch People play "politics" with regional events.
Watch them stumble about to justify THEIR REASONING, while dismissing Yours.
Watch PEOPLE, what they Say.
Watch them use every dirty trick to invalidate You, while giving themselves a *big Up*.
Watch them try to confuse you with "concepts of Right and Wrong",good and Evil"

Watch them continuously lie To You, to cover the Lie they already told you.
Watch Them spin lie after lie after lie,to convince you they are telling You the Truth.

Watch EVERY Single Post Here, Including mine, and you will see for your self.

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Re: There is Train Dud a diaboli

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Sep 19 20:03:20 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by Train Dude on Wed Sep 18 08:07:39 2024.

Diabolical are the wicked spirits wandering the face of the Earth,as punishment for breaking The Lord of Host's law regarding the "human world".

Some of these creatures are disembodied Nephilim spirits who drowned during the Great Flood.
Some are kamira, creations of the Fallen Angels.
Some are The Fallen Angels themselves.

You are the created creature called Kamira.
A Personal project made from the graft cells of the Enemy of Man and humans.
You are a spiritual creature, wrapped in flesh.
You are Not Gods creation.
You have no soul, cause GodGod didn't give you one.

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Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Sep 19 20:04:48 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by Train Dude on Wed Sep 18 08:07:38 2024.

Trump is wholeheartedly involved with "Project 2025, after denying his involvement.
26 of 35 people involved with pending the document,were employees of Trump,part of his administration.
Steven Millar ,a far right wing racist and bigoted senior advisor,also played an intricate part of the project,has appeared in Project 2025 ads on line.

Yet the most outrageous and outstanding part,is Trump's endorsement, taking talking points, and recommendations,two thirds of the playbook.
However, it's no surprise that we have seen the Heritage Foundation's actually appear on cable news, making the following statement.
"We are currently in the process of the Second American Revolution,Which will remain "bloodless",if the LEFT ALLOWS it to be."

These are the people You support.
This is the think tank filled with people who LOOK LIKE YOU, MAPPING OUT A WAY TO UNDERMINE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.
You swear loyalty to despicable people who will throw You under the bus quickly to save their skin.
If these people win, how would you feed your fat fucking face, after they finish screwing over the farmers?
You prepared to pay 15 dollars for a carton of eggs?10 dollars for regular gas?

How about your healthcare? Medical coverage,higher taxes on middle class folks like myself and family?
I have Two kids that I need to take care of..that I have to work hard for.

What about them?
What about all the other children less fortunate?

This IS awful, scary and heartbreaking all at the same time, this being the stuff nightmares are made of.

These "people",these evil despicable People are hell bent on weakening the American people through Societal attacks, economic detriment, food shortages, like you see in North Korea, Hungary, Russia and other draconic establishments.

Is That what You want for Our country?
You think Trump, and his people will bring order and purpose?
Tell me how well that worked out the First time around dealing with "his Deep State".

I wish someone else besides Me, would yell at You and the other Maga Maggots sometimes.

You are your own worst enemy.

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Re: They SHOULD "come get You,Bitch" proff

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Sep 19 20:21:32 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by Train Dude on Wed Sep 18 21:28:27 2024.

They Should "get You",bitch.
You use the Bill of Rights as a Shield and a Weapon.

You Count on that to protect Yourself,If the Feds decide to do exactly that.

However, you have also said the same rhetoric about the people prosecuting Trump,his Non supporter, and anyone who has taken a stand against him.
YET,here You are, again being a bitchassbitchnigga.

I think some women fucked you up Seriously,in the past,put You prominently on PAUSE.
Now, the Only place you can Vent your absolute Hatred of us is here.

I know if you said half the things you say Here,to my face, you wouldn't have to deal with my husband.
You'd deal directly with Me and my left hook.

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Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Sep 19 20:47:05 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Sep 19 11:49:08 2024.

"and the civil unrest was easily put down,..."

At what cost?

Watts 1965...34 dead, 1000 hurt, 40 mil in destruction
Detroit 1967...43 dead 342 hurt 1400 missing
Newark 1967-68...26 dead 700+ hurt. Millions in property damage

And you say all that was "easily put down"??
I dont think so

Next I have to find out how many cops and firemen were hurt or killed.

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Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Sep 19 20:47:35 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Sep 19 11:49:08 2024.

"and the civil unrest was easily put down,..."

At what cost?

Watts 1965...34 dead, 1000 hurt, 40 mil in destruction
Detroit 1967...43 dead 342 hurt 1400 missing
Newark 1967-68...26 dead 700+ hurt. Millions in property damage

And you say all that was "easily put down"??
I dont think so

Next I have to find out how many cops and firemen were hurt or killed.

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Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Sep 19 21:30:33 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Sep 19 20:47:05 2024.

None of those riots were a threat to the continuity of the state.

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Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff

Posted by LuchAAA on Thu Sep 19 22:09:44 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by Edwards! on Thu Sep 19 20:02:34 2024.

Yet, you're afraid to transfer between the 3 and L lines in Brooklyn.


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Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff

Posted by Olog-hai on Fri Sep 20 01:10:38 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by LuchAAA on Thu Sep 19 22:09:44 2024.


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Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff

Posted by Edwards! on Fri Sep 20 01:44:28 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by LuchAAA on Thu Sep 19 22:09:44 2024.

How is that possible?

You say That as if we are somehow familiar To each other Outside of this website.

Have made an assumption,a speculation or observation?

If I Have said in the past,that I haven't used the station complex 'in a long period of time",why would That translate into whatever You are trying to say?
Don't YOU find that quite odd?
Do You own a vehicle?
Or are you doing what you usually do,talk shit, and blow smoke up your people's asses?
Further more, YOU act more like a stalker then anything else.
Hope That's not true.
You will regret it.

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Re: lunch responded, with a lie, and creepy stalker talk. Should I show him my license to carry per

Posted by Edwards! on Fri Sep 20 02:22:17 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by LuchAAA on Thu Sep 19 22:09:44 2024.

Hold on.
You responded to My Post, with Bullshit?
You should know I have several family members connected to law enforcement.
Who wouldn't mind paying you a visit.

Better watch yourself, weirdo.
Never afraid, and won't hesitate to end you.

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Re: No Honor.No proff. More lies from No Balls Maga Men

Posted by Edwards! on Fri Sep 20 02:39:05 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by Olog-hai on Fri Sep 20 01:10:38 2024.

That's All you got?
Where is any evidence of that?
Show us, Oh great One.
Show us how Bella Never goes to Brownsville, never goes to Powell Street or even Livonia Avenue.

There's a Food bazaar supermarket over there that I pass by when I visit one of my shut-ins.

Are any of you familiar with the market,or area?

I was pretty honest when I said I haven't been to the Station in a while, but you explain to me what does That have to do with Anything In general.

Show me, you bitchassnigha.
You trying to stalk me too?
Thinking you might get me afraid?

Let me tell all of you maga mutha phuckas something.
You Talk Big Here.. and That's fine with me.
Once you step OUTSIDE OF HERE, with the bullshit,then That's a totally different thing.
The Streets will show up.

You fuck around, you'll
find out how quiet the streets will end you.
Don't confuse Me with My Dad

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Posted by Olog-hai on Fri Sep 20 03:55:26 2024, in response to Re: No Honor.No proff. More lies from No Balls Maga Men, posted by Edwards! on Fri Sep 20 02:39:05 2024.

LOL, what we have is more than enough in the face of your endless garbage. Do you live in a garbage dump or something?

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Posted by Olog-hai on Fri Sep 20 04:08:10 2024, in response to Re: lunch responded, with a lie, and creepy stalker talk. Should I show him my license to carry per, posted by Edwards! on Fri Sep 20 02:22:17 2024.

Terroristic threats, now? Just because he says you're scared to ride the subway in Brooklyn, which is probably true?

No wonder you're scared of Trump winning. You don't want to get locked up for your online threats.

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Re: There is Edturds a diaboli

Posted by Train Dude on Fri Sep 20 07:29:51 2024, in response to Re: There is Train Dud a diaboli, posted by Edwards! on Thu Sep 19 20:03:20 2024.

Toxic mold based illness is a very prevalent and under diagnosed condition that can manifest in many different ways, including with symptoms that are exclusively psychiatric, such as depression, anxiety, attentional problems, brain fog and insomnia. Vulnerability to mold toxicity is only present in 25% of the population, who in most cases, have a genetic predisposition which inhibits their clearance of biotoxins. A family can all be living in the same house with mold growth, but only one family member will become ill. This is because that person is the only one with the genetic vulnerability.

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Re: There is a diabolical named Steve "Train dud " Francis

Posted by Edwards! on Fri Sep 20 10:02:13 2024, in response to Re: There is Edturds a diaboli, posted by Train Dude on Fri Sep 20 07:29:51 2024.

Glad to see you and taking the time out of your busy schedule to brush up on the physical ailments You are spreading.
Forewarned is forearmed.
Though, I wouldn't have recommended placing Your disability Here, for the obvious ridicule you will eventually receive.

Pretty brave of you to admit you are a breeder of fungal diaspora.
Also pretty nasty.

Thanks again for the heads up, you nasty thing you.

Expect no less from Maga.

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Re: No Honor.No proff. More lies from No Balls Maga Men

Posted by Edwards! on Fri Sep 20 10:09:15 2024, in response to Re: No Honor.No proff. More lies from No Balls Maga Men, posted by Edwards! on Fri Sep 20 02:39:05 2024.

And Don't hide what you want to say to me.
Be a Man, and stand up to This Woman,if You are so tough.
Keep telling you "archetypes".
Im Not my Father.

He will play patty cake with you,I won't.

Don't try to bully me.
I Will correct You instantly.

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Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff

Posted by Edwards! on Fri Sep 20 10:32:42 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Sep 18 20:58:46 2024.


You are the forever optimist.
I Can appreciate that, but from the "other side of Your points of view".

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Re: here's 用roof Olog Stacey is a lying Traitor.

Posted by Edwards! on Fri Sep 20 10:40:16 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by Olog-hai on Wed Sep 18 23:20:59 2024.

Absolutely amazing, how You defended Your position and criticisms in One fell swoop.
This is an old Bigots trick.
He spoke correctly, while You Always lie to cover your lies.

You Doubled Down on Your bullshit!

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Re: The Plague AKA Edturds Syndrome

Posted by Train Dude on Fri Sep 20 11:03:25 2024, in response to Re: There is a diabolical named Steve "Train dud " Francis, posted by Edwards! on Fri Sep 20 10:02:13 2024.

The Black Death was a bubonic plague pandemic occurring in Europe from 1346 to 1353. It was one of the most fatal pandemics in human history; as many as 50 million people[2] perished, perhaps 50% of Europe's 14th century population.[3] The disease is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis and spread by fleas and through the air.[4][5] One of the most significant events in European history, the Black Death had far-reaching population, economic, and cultural impacts. It was the beginning of the second plague pandemic.[6] The plague created religious, social and economic upheavals, with profound effects on the course of European history.

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Re: No Honor.No proff. More lies from No Balls Maga Men

Posted by Train Dude on Fri Sep 20 11:49:26 2024, in response to Re: No Honor.No proff. More lies from No Balls Maga Men, posted by Edwards! on Fri Sep 20 10:09:15 2024.

Geez you fucking moron. You are so intent on spewing your racist anger, you don't care who you attack, even if it's yourself. What a fucking moron you are.

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Re: lunch responded, with a lie, and creepy stalker talk. Should I show him my license to carry per

Posted by LuchAAA on Fri Sep 20 17:34:24 2024, in response to Re: lunch responded, with a lie, and creepy stalker talk. Should I show him my license to carry per, posted by Edwards! on Fri Sep 20 02:22:17 2024.



Yes you are a wiz when it comes to the Eastern Division(J, L, M)lines, but your politics are way off.

You don't understand basic politics.

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Re: lunch responded, with a lie, and creepy stalker talk. Should I show him my license to carry per

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Fri Sep 20 18:31:04 2024, in response to Re: lunch responded, with a lie, and creepy stalker talk. Should I show him my license to carry per, posted by LuchAAA on Fri Sep 20 17:34:24 2024.


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Re: lunch responded, with a lie, and creepy stalker talk. Should I show him my license to carry per

Posted by LuchAAA on Fri Sep 20 19:11:05 2024, in response to Re: lunch responded, with a lie, and creepy stalker talk. Should I show him my license to carry per, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Fri Sep 20 18:31:04 2024.

Oddly, ever since Edwards! started acting up, there have been some high profile incidents on the L line of the Eastern Division.

First NYPD shot a knife wielding man in East New York, which is where Edwards! expressed concern for his safety when transferring between the L and 3 lines.

Then, some guy pushed a woman to the tracks at Jefferson St in Bushwick on the L line. I suspect the suspect lives in section 8 housing on Flushing Ave and Wyckoff.

Edwards! probably thinks a magateen was responsible like the one who killed a woman defending her husband in Chinatown.

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Re: lunch responded, with a lie, and creepy stalker talk. Should I show him my license to carry per

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Fri Sep 20 21:56:10 2024, in response to Re: lunch responded, with a lie, and creepy stalker talk. Should I show him my license to carry per, posted by LuchAAA on Fri Sep 20 19:11:05 2024.

Magateens sounds like the name of one of those late 60s/early 70s Saturday morning cartoon series.

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Re: lunch responded, with a lie, and creepy stalker talk. Should I show him my license to carry per

Posted by LuchAAA on Fri Sep 20 22:58:44 2024, in response to Re: lunch responded, with a lie, and creepy stalker talk. Should I show him my license to carry per, posted by BILLBKLYN on Fri Sep 20 21:56:10 2024.

It does.

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Re: lunch responded, with a lie, and creepy stalker talk. Should I show him my license to carry per

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Fri Sep 20 23:22:03 2024, in response to Re: lunch responded, with a lie, and creepy stalker talk. Should I show him my license to carry per, posted by LuchAAA on Fri Sep 20 19:11:05 2024.

Is there a transfer now between the IRT & the Canarsie line at Junius & Van Sinderin. There never was.

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Re: lunch responded, with a lie, and creepy stalker talk. Should I show him my license to carry per

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Fri Sep 20 23:30:59 2024, in response to Re: lunch responded, with a lie, and creepy stalker talk. Should I show him my license to carry per, posted by LuchAAA on Fri Sep 20 22:58:44 2024.

"The Magateens battle the Laughing Hyena Harris and her high-tax henchmen!"

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Re: lunch responded, with a lie, and creepy stalker talk. Should I show him my license to carry per

Posted by LuchAAA on Sat Sep 21 00:12:32 2024, in response to Re: lunch responded, with a lie, and creepy stalker talk. Should I show him my license to carry per, posted by Jeff Rosen on Fri Sep 20 23:22:03 2024.


Edwards! posted about it on the main board asking about the current representation on the NYCT map.

He said that he is afraid to walk 2 blocks between the two stations.

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