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Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Sep 19 20:01:03 2024, in response to Re: There is a mole in the Secret Service用roff, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Sep 19 11:08:22 2024.

He couldn't understand Why, because he had no invested interests. We

He Can't understand Why people fought for "Civil Rights"..
CIVIL being the pronoun And VERB here.

Civil Treatment, the Right to be seen and Heard as a full human being.
The ability to participate in Government function,elect government officials,to own property,a simple bank account.
To go to school, be whatever you decide you want to be in this life, without the Gatekeeper telling you what you can't do.

He didn't have to deal with Anything like that.
So how could he relate?

My grandma was a professor at Benedict College,in South Carolina.
She left the South when it was discovered that even within her HBC,she could Not advance beyond what she was doing, because of "politics".

My grandma was also a Civil Rights protester, often participating in those events.
She was known for being outspoken,"a trouble maker", and one of "those people who didn't know her place".
When my father was born, she had to make a decision, for herself and her children.

She was issued one "death threat" too many.
She left the employment of a place she loved, because they enabled a negative bias.
She left her home because of the same reasons.
She came to New York City, to her husband, with two small children in tow.

She didn't allow the Klan to scare her into silence.
She didn't allow the Klan, and the other racist bigoted folks (white or black) to stop her from doing what she loved.

Some of you have never witnessed a large group of people, yelling and screaming at you.
Didn't know what it was like to face off a crowd of people calling you every thing but Child of God.

Throwing things at you.
Trying to hurt you.
Some of you never had family members hate you because you were strong, and they were weak.
Some of you never had some one walk right up to you and spit on you just because They thought they were "superior".

Call you "Nigger,dat gurlnigger,dat bitch,or niggress"

You sit comfortably, home or work, wherever,away from the things the news kept hidden.

My own granduncle was murdered by by White Men,who hated what my family was doing towards furthering Civil Rights.

They murdered him, snatched him and two others when they were handing out flyers for a meeting.

The police did nothing, except stonewall the investigation, did nothing to find the killers, except tell them they are "working on it".

My great-grandfather decided it was time to leave.
He had enough of his blood being spilled, enough of his children dying for the right to exist in a place that literally hated them.

He also moved to NYC.

He later learned that it was the very police department that killed my great uncle David and his two friends,then covered it up.
What made it worse,was the fact they were doing this on a "regular".
Sometimes letting their victims go, only wanting to scare them into silence.
Others,they murdered, because they were "dangerous".
They were caught,made to "disappear".

My dad told me the stories of the days before he ,my grandma and my aunt got on that Grayhound bus to NYC.

I have never forgotten it.

This is history, people.
My father is living proof of that.
He always told us, Never get too comfortable with people.
They are always willing to do something strange for change.

"Skinfold" aren't Always "Kinfolks".

"The Devil Loves Your Flesh, because He wants to be You, so he attacks you, because he Can't Be You".

I use to think he was nuts, until I learned Who we are, and Why we Are.
Then I understood.

It's acceptable for those people to dismiss what has been done to the "tribes" of the past.
To dismiss everything.
To act like nothing ever happened.

It's Easy for Maga to wish for the 'good ol days', hardly ever seen what that was like.
It's easy for the Republicans ultra r6, liberal Democrats who don't have a clue, to say what Could have been,or Could be.

It's easy for the people Here to do what they do,in light of lacking experience of the things that they are wishing for.

No doubt there Are some here that are fully aware of the past, and want to see those good old days revived.
This is MAGAs intent.
This is Why They hate what I say Here, to them.

I tell the Truth about Their motives, what is in their hearts.
Why they hate You.
They want You to believe it's "political".
It's not.
It's Never been.

It's Always been Ethnical.

There has Always been something about Culture, that has a vice around the heart of them.

Don't believe me?
Watch events,watch people.
Watch the locations of said events and the folks who responded to them.

Watch People play "politics" with regional events.
Watch them stumble about to justify THEIR REASONING, while dismissing Yours.
Watch PEOPLE, what they Say.
Watch them use every dirty trick to invalidate You, while giving themselves a *big Up*.
Watch them try to confuse you with "concepts of Right and Wrong",good and Evil"

Watch them continuously lie To You, to cover the Lie they already told you.
Watch Them spin lie after lie after lie,to convince you they are telling You the Truth.

Watch EVERY Single Post Here, Including mine, and you will see for your self.

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