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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Edwards! on Tue Jun 11 14:26:12 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Mon Jun 10 08:58:55 2024.

You are in error,sir.

Trump's position is that of a child getting caught with Both hands in a cookie jar, knowing full well that he shouldn't have.

Instead of owning up to it,he throws others in front of him to take the blame.
Throws a tantrum when questioned,misdirects and misinforms... redirects with tools taught to him.
The Victimization complex full header,he doubled down on how wrong OTHER folks are for catching him, While Still claiming He didn't do anything wrong..
"Don't believe Your lying eyes",or audio/video evidence.. Believe Me..cause I would Never lie to You..

This is what Trump and his ilk does.

You are a victim, and you don't even know it.

However, their are some people who are not convinced..
Who refuse to buy into the constant whining of this grown ass man child..who has been Caught with his hands in the jar.
All the "gaslighting" in the world will not be enough.

And like a toxic, pathetic screaming tantrum laced whiner, he puts Others in front of him to take All the blame.

It's funny.
In Every Fair and balanced court procedure, he Lost.

Every trial.

The supreme Court is going to try to "help him",but That is only addressing his federal criminal actions.
States are sovereign, and SCOTUS cannot intervene.

Trump did All of This to himself,by being a greedy old bastard.

You need to deal with that, and move on.

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Re: When Trump Wins…

Posted by Olog-hai on Tue Jun 11 15:28:11 2024, in response to Re: When Trump Wins..., posted by Chicagomotorman on Tue Jun 11 05:48:59 2024.


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Re: When Trump Wins...

Posted by AlM on Tue Jun 11 15:37:06 2024, in response to Re: When Trump Wins..., posted by Chicagomotorman on Tue Jun 11 05:48:59 2024.

And that's why there's no need for you to vote. He'll win anyway.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Tue Jun 11 16:27:28 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Edwards! on Tue Jun 11 14:26:12 2024.

Let the voters decide that next November...thats all.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by AlM on Tue Jun 11 16:54:56 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Tue Jun 11 16:27:28 2024.

The voters get to decide if he will be President again.

Juries, not voters, get to decide if he will be convicted of further felonies.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Tue Jun 11 18:25:50 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by AlM on Tue Jun 11 16:54:56 2024.

Don't Jurists vote??

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by 3-9 on Tue Jun 11 19:32:14 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Tue Jun 11 16:27:28 2024.

If somebody committed a crime, they should stand trial. Period. That's not something that's up to voters in general.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jun 11 19:48:18 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by 3-9 on Tue Jun 11 19:32:14 2024.

Unless they plead out, of course.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by 3-9 on Tue Jun 11 23:45:53 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jun 11 19:48:18 2024.


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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Wed Jun 12 02:40:16 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jun 11 10:34:02 2024.

#4:is anecdotal. Trump also appealed/appeals to the Normies as well.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jun 12 08:20:48 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by BILLBKLYN on Wed Jun 12 02:40:16 2024.

Different meaning of “appeal”

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Wed Jun 12 16:46:53 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jun 12 08:20:48 2024.

The "lib/Left narrative" is that Trump voters aren't "normal, average" Americans, instead they are unhinged, extreme peiple.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Jun 12 22:41:03 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Tue Jun 11 16:27:28 2024.

Why should Any VOTER "decide",when the person in question is now a CONVICTED FELON, FOUND GUILTY OF 34 COUNTS CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE?

It has been well established that once you receive a "felony charge", you gateway to certain things are shut, until you pay your debt to society.. and Even after that,some Rights will not be restored immediately.
So WTF does this mean, when a former president has committed criminal acts, tried For those crimes,found guilty, and Still runs for reelection?

Isn't he supposed to be rendered unfit Now?
The reason why he hasn't dropped out,is pretty simple.
He wants to look like the victim.
He running to stay out of jail.

However, one of his conversations is interfering with the 2016 election through various diabolical ways.
This is what he's going to prison for.

The voters Can't decide when the decision has been taken out of their hands.

Also, Im surprised at all of you for supporting this position, and all of you know why.

This is bigotry on a Grand scale.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Jun 12 22:41:05 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Tue Jun 11 16:27:28 2024.

Why should Any VOTER "decide",when the person in question is now a CONVICTED FELON, FOUND GUILTY OF 34 COUNTS CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE?

It has been well established that once you receive a "felony charge", you gateway to certain things are shut, until you pay your debt to society.. and Even after that,some Rights will not be restored immediately.
So WTF does this mean, when a former president has committed criminal acts, tried For those crimes,found guilty, and Still runs for reelection?

Isn't he supposed to be rendered unfit Now?
The reason why he hasn't dropped out,is pretty simple.
He wants to look like the victim.
He running to stay out of jail.

However, one of his conversations is interfering with the 2016 election through various diabolical ways.
This is what he's going to prison for.

The voters Can't decide when the decision has been taken out of their hands.

Also, Im surprised at all of you for supporting this position, and all of you know why.

This is bigotry on a Grand scale.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jun 13 04:12:35 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Edwards! on Wed Jun 12 22:41:03 2024.

If you look at it through a "fair" lens, those "felonies" were SPECIFICALLY cooked up for the sole purpose of "getting" Trump, because if they couldn't have a criminal trial based on the misdemeanor charges anyone else would have got. Is he sleazy? Yes. Do I personally think he did what he was accused of? Yes. But I also know these charges are grimy as well.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Pelham Exp on Thu Jun 13 05:48:06 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Edwards! on Wed Jun 12 22:41:05 2024.

Let the voters decide. Told you as sleazy as you think Trump may be (not disagreeing) I didn't like the process here in NYC and can't stand Bragg. Will vote for Trump on that alone Felon or Not. Now tell me why am I a bigot?

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Re: When Trump Wins...

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Thu Jun 13 07:39:18 2024, in response to Re: When Trump Wins..., posted by AlM on Tue Jun 11 15:37:06 2024.

You're being sarcastic.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by 3-9 on Thu Jun 13 08:28:44 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Pelham Exp on Thu Jun 13 05:48:06 2024.

Say what you want about the charges, the process in NYC wasn't that off-the-wall. If anything, Trump's lawyers should have done better if the case was that suspect.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Jun 13 09:24:42 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by 3-9 on Thu Jun 13 08:28:44 2024.

"If anything, Trump's lawyers should have done better if the case was that suspect."


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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Train Dude on Thu Jun 13 09:31:31 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Jun 13 09:24:42 2024.

Except that the trial was rigged. The judge was hand picked. The defense was denied witnesses. The prosecution was permitted witnesses that offered no pertinent evidence, questionable jury instructions and a jury which was hardly impartial.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by mtk52983 on Thu Jun 13 09:40:27 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Train Dude on Thu Jun 13 09:31:31 2024.



They were denied witnesses on matters outside the scope of the jury. Whether this was a "selective prosecution" does not go to any element of the charged crime.

In your opinion.

The Defense had ample opportunity to frame the jury instructions to their liking. Each side submits their proposed jury instructions and there are multiple conferences (before and during the trial) with the Court regarding the jury instructions.

Then they should have done a better job during voir dire to remove jurors who could not be impartial. Why don't you provide evidence that they were "hardly impartial." Like the whiny keyboard commando that you are, you can't. Why don't you go back to your civil service job and complain some more.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Jun 13 09:56:33 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Train Dude on Thu Jun 13 09:31:31 2024.

Yep. All grounds for reversal on appeal.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Jun 13 10:39:09 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by 3-9 on Thu Jun 13 08:28:44 2024.

More than just that..
They had the opportunity to refute Every line item Bragg brought to the table

They didn't.

Also,they attempted to muddy the hearings by attacking Everyone, including the President, the judge, the jury, witnesses etc.

One sure way of destroying your case,is going to the public with your grievance, instead of testifying.
Looking for a verdict through the Court of public opinion won't get you a "win",but it will get you exactly what Trump received.

Trump is an "old gangster".
He'd rather be Feared,than loved, figuring Fear lasts longer..

His "divide and conquer" style of dealing with people is nothing we haven't seen before,as the same caliber of men ,has taken the world down this dark path many MANY times before.

Let's be honest here.
Trump's defense team didn't have much to deal with.
He Was Guilty of the crimes he was convicted of, with documented evidence, and testimony to collaborate.
All his team could do was attempt to shake up the witnesses,get them to "change their stories",attack the character of said witnesses, to get the jury to doubt the clarity.

Here's where the problems for Trump come in.

Trump, and his track record of wrong doing,follows him close.
Everytime he opened his mouth in public, to the general public at that,he speaks lies and more lies.

Yet, when that is measured against his ACTIONS,HIS BUSINESS dealings,his morals, his bigotry,etc..his Wolf cries fell on deaf ears.

Trump believes he is always the smartest person in a room,smarter than anyone.

He has reached a point in his life,where he has begun to believe the lies he tells.

He tells people people point blank "I don't care about You. I just want Your Vote"...
Again, the quiet part out loud..
This "Situational law and Order" issue Republicans have today is astounding.
You go after a criminal like Trump,then Republicans are crying "witch hunt".

Someone else, like the current president, and his son,Well,That's fine.. justice will be served.
You see where I'm going with this?

This "thing" they are doing is seeped in layered nastiness,on multiple fronts, from the national court system, to the local school board.
From the Federal government, to states government.

The Maga Group of Republicans has often projected its plans to the public,by calling those that stand against them "The Deep State".

What is the Deep State?
A shadow government, pushing their agenda forward,on the people against the Will of The People.
A counter productive enterprise,that seeks to destroy what Is, remaking IT into Their version of reality.

Maga is "the Deep State",with Donald Trump serving as it's figure head.

We ALL SEE the front line work.
Destabilize the socioeconomic landscape, destabilize the free market, disrupt the lifestyle of those who reject us, disrupt the political landscape,do no legislation work holding/keeping government cohesive.
Collaboration with with radicals to ferment hostile atmosphere and attitudes.
Any government official caught working for our cause, will deal with "the system",but justice will be "delayed"..
It's goes even deeper than that.. but I believe you understand the point I'm making.

Bottom line, what we are seeing now is rooted deep in "Slave States"mentality,White Nationalist agendas, and just plain bigotry.

Eurocentric values have Always been present in American society, regardless of how much They deny it,the "Caste system" always existed in America.

However, the "government" is just a pawn being used by that same "system" to make the People believe They have a "choice, and voice", when they truly do not.

If this System doesn't exist, how is it that so many obvious Traitors within government, haven't been brought to justice yet?
How is it that someone like Donald Trump, now a convicted 34 count felon, Still able to run for president, keep his guns, still allowed to vote, still walking free?
How is it that folks like MTG,Ted Cruze, Moscow Mitch, and others,who publicly supported the January 6 riots,even participated to some extent.. still free to push more propaganda to the American people?

Has it crossed your mind as to Why Trump appointed so many federal judges, and three supreme court justices?

Has it made you wonder why certain states have made it harder to vote in certain districts,why laws were passed to deter voting?

Why the very same Supreme Court abolished parts of the "Voting Rights Act",so instead of Voting being s Federal mandate, it's now a State issue?

This well thought out, well organized plan to roll back every federal concession to The People has been brewing for a long time.
Has it ever made you wonder what happened to the KKK?
They seemed to have vanished, right?
Well,they are alive and well..but have taken off the hooded covers.
They are Tea Party,Maga ,Proud Boy and whatever else they can label themselves.
They are BeBe kids,"We don't die,we multiply".

This is who Trump is.
Why he is able to do what he does.. and how he is able to take advantage of the very two tiered "Justice system" he constantly whines about.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Jun 13 10:47:11 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Train Dude on Thu Jun 13 09:31:31 2024.

Absolutely, emphatically incorrect...but if That's what You and Maga want to believe.. that's all good.
Makes his conviction even sweeter cause it "agonizes" You.

Your "suffering" is a sweet melody to me.
Please continue to cry..

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Jun 13 10:51:51 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by mtk52983 on Thu Jun 13 09:40:27 2024.

Oh my goodness.
That was a beautiful picture you've just painted.
Thank you,kind sir, for the opened palm slap across the face of the Stupid People.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Jun 13 11:10:15 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Pelham Exp on Thu Jun 13 05:48:06 2024.

Whether you "like Bragg" or not,has no bearing on Trump's criminal case.
Did Bragg find him guilty of his civil court case, that found him liable?
Is he now a Sexual Predator/rapist, proven in a court of Law?

How many court cases has he won, that managed to reach the public?
Oh, are you saying he goes to court Not to WIN, but to delay trials?
Delay with motions to dismiss,etc.

What's That you say?
How does Your Choice make you a "bigot"

Well, since You chose to respond to my post, and " asked"...
I honestly don't know How you Don't understand how "bigotry" applied to You.

Think past your "feelings, and emotional immaturity".

Use analytics, brain power and soul searching.

You will hate yourself ever so slightly, after pealing back the layers of duplicity,but you will be better once the healing kicks in.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Jun 13 11:27:52 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jun 13 04:12:35 2024.

If That was the case,then He should have left well enough alone, and let the process work.
Let his lawyers do what they were getting paid to do.

Instead,he was dictating terms To his lawyers, trying to "intimate" the judge jury witnesses.. bullying everyone..even spreading more false narratives outside of the courthouse, and his personal web page.

Trump and his people love to try to control the outcome.
Jr shakes up,fear mongers,plays the victim all at the same time, to draw confusion,plant seeds of doubt..foster hatred..

All of his Obvious tricks are there for Everyone to see
.Yet what kills me is watching You "Trumpers" fall all over yourselves for Selective, Situational justice..

Not even going to explain what that means,with You being a "former law enforcement officer" in all..you absolutely know what that means..

Justice Is Blind,slow and literally a foot dragging predator at times... you know Exactly how that works for Some, but Not for All.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jun 13 12:42:22 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Jun 13 09:56:33 2024.


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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Train Dude on Thu Jun 13 13:12:01 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jun 13 12:42:22 2024.

Thank you Mr. Cuntsler for your brilliant response.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Pelham Exp on Thu Jun 13 14:55:59 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Edwards! on Thu Jun 13 11:10:15 2024.

Like I said.. I take what you say with a grain of salt. Almost amusing all the gibberish you write and how you respond to posters on here. But I guess since you have nothing else better to do with yourself so be it.

Biden said his son Hunter did nothing wrong yet he as well is a convicted Felon so maybe you should write to the White House with all your time and explain to the President why indeed his son is a convicted FELON.

Take your Bogus bullshit elsewhere.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Train Dude on Thu Jun 13 15:09:57 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Pelham Exp on Thu Jun 13 14:55:59 2024.

I didn't read the claptrap that he posted but your response sounds dead on.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jun 13 16:48:28 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Edwards! on Thu Jun 13 11:27:52 2024.

For the billionth time, I'm not a"Trumper". You already know this because I've told you numerous times. But in order for you to say your point, you need to "make me" one, so your point "fits"

He did have a big mouth during the trial, I agree, but these charges shouldn't have been made in the first place. Literally tailor-made for him.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jun 13 16:49:15 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Train Dude on Thu Jun 13 09:31:31 2024.


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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by mtk52983 on Thu Jun 13 18:00:42 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jun 13 16:49:15 2024.

Exactly wrong (to the extent that it is not the personal opinions of Dudette)!!

For reasons I have stated here perviously, I don’t believe that the prosecution can and will withstand appeal, but none of them were contained in the post you responded to. As a matter of Constitutional Law, I don’t think that the bootstrapping used by Bragg suffices.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Jun 13 18:08:07 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jun 13 16:48:28 2024.

I always figured you were "trolling", just to "piss off the Libs".

You seem to forget Your own history here.
"If it walk like a duck,quacks like a duck, LOOKS LIKE A DUCK, Acts like a duck...then that's A Duck.."

So no need to spill your guts all over the place, when it's pretty clear that you are a "conservative Republican" via reaction.

Again, I addressed the points raised by "Trumpers", answered them clearly and concisely..yet from YOU,I get whining.

I keep saying that Republicans Project Everytime they open their mouths, and I haven't been wrong yet..so..
Good try, though.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Jun 13 18:15:01 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Train Dude on Thu Jun 13 15:09:57 2024.

I Love watching you squarm.
Pride is a wicked thing when used for all the WRONG REASONS.

YOU wouldn't know that, since you are pitiful and wrenched, just like your great leader.

I Use to think you were just the average jerk trying to be the Big Man on Campus.
Now, not only are You Not a "average jerk", you are THE JERK, without a moral compass, without ethics..too prideful to admit you were wrong,and most importantly,a fuckin pig bigot.

You simply disgust me.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Jun 13 18:24:30 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Pelham Exp on Thu Jun 13 14:55:59 2024.

Responding to Your bullshit..
Go fuck yourself, you fucking bitch ass bitch.
Every point was poinant..addressed the ISSUES, and were Not personal.

You,being a fucktarded asshole, can't see daylight because your head is stuck far up your own ass.
You talk like a fuckin idiot,cause you are oxygen deprived..

Eat a dick,both YOU AND Train DUDE..bet You won't be able to out eat him, though, but you certainly are willing to try, asshole.

By the way, every single time You fuckers come at me sideways, I'm gonna shit right on your head, just Like Sonic and Tails ,bitch.

So Think of your Best Shit show story First, and make it a good one.. ASSHOLE.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Jun 13 18:27:01 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Train Dude on Thu Jun 13 13:12:01 2024.

Still picking pubic hair from your teeth,huh?
You gotta stop deepthroating those dudes..

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Jun 13 18:34:42 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Pelham Exp on Thu Jun 13 14:55:59 2024.

WTF do you think I care about Biden and his son?

What would make you think that?
Both of Trump's sons are junkies,high on speed most of the time, and ALL OF THE TIME WHEN MAKING PUBLIC APPEARANCES!

THAT being said, I Think for Myself.. don't take "talking points" from Maggot Maga..won't kiss the ass of any fucking politian, like you kiss Trump's ass through his shitty diapers!

Fuck You, Pelican Pelham bitch..
You are completely brainwashed by your own lack of self worth..

Go ride someone else's dick for a while.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jun 13 20:23:09 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Edwards! on Thu Jun 13 18:08:07 2024.

I'm a guy on the internet. I don't "look or act" like nobody else but myself.

I'm a conservative Democrat- a Blue Dog.

I'm not whining at all, pointing out facts isn't that

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jun 13 20:25:06 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by mtk52983 on Thu Jun 13 18:00:42 2024.

I was talking about the statements made by the Judge as the trial was beginning. Plus the conflict of interest that his attorneys should have been all over

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by mtk52983 on Thu Jun 13 20:27:25 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jun 13 20:25:06 2024.

What conflict of interest? He doesn’t benefit financially from his daughter. That is unlike Clarence Thomas who benefits financially from his wife who peddles her influence.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jun 13 20:48:38 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by mtk52983 on Thu Jun 13 20:27:25 2024.

If it was the other way around, you bet there would be excusals.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Train Dude on Thu Jun 13 21:08:15 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jun 13 20:23:09 2024.

Seems that Algonquin J. Calhoun is all amped up today.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Jun 13 23:52:53 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jun 13 20:23:09 2024.

Alternative "facts" don't make Truth.

Don't particularly care what "party or sunset affiliations" you run with.. you "post"
like a Maggot Maga cult member.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Jun 13 23:59:13 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Train Dude on Thu Jun 13 21:08:15 2024.

You are just as boring, and predictable as ever,
Yellow dog of a cowardly coward.

Never fails to "backdoor" someone.
Even goldfish aren't safe around you.

You get This bile, Every time.. and more, you disgusting piece of shit.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Fri Jun 14 00:57:03 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by Edwards! on Thu Jun 13 23:52:53 2024.

By pointing out that these charges were suspect at best, EVEN SAID BY ATTORNEYS ON CNN, does not mean in posting like a Trump supporter.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by AlM on Fri Jun 14 03:04:57 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jun 13 20:48:38 2024.

Yeah, it's disgraceful. Clarence Thomas readily recuses himself because of the millions of dollars involved, but Merchan doesn't recuse himself for the $35 contribution he made.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Fri Jun 14 04:14:14 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by AlM on Fri Jun 14 03:04:57 2024.

I didn't realize that Thomas was hand-selected by the Democrats to sit in as a NYS judge for the trial.

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Re: If Trump Wins...

Posted by mtk52983 on Fri Jun 14 06:13:07 2024, in response to Re: If Trump Wins..., posted by BILLBKLYN on Fri Jun 14 00:57:03 2024.

Saying the charges were suspect at best is different than the lying talking points and innuendo of other posts on this thread. Or the lack of faith in “normie” New Yorkers being an impartial jury.

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