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Re: New York is doomed - more proof

Posted by David of Broadway on Mon Dec 11 09:54:29 2006, in response to Re: New York is doomed - more proof, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Mon Dec 11 07:17:17 2006.

I think you're reading a little too much into things. Nobody claims that every single New Yorker is perfectly polite while every Long Islander is downright rude. The claim (which I stand by) is that, by and large, New Yorkers are polite, and the common displays of rudeness that are often seen around the city are by and large committed by nonresidents of the city.

The display I saw is repeated for pretty much every LIRR train out of Penn, at least in anything remotely resembling the PM rush. It doesn't matter how many of the stops on the train happen to be in New York City. (Even those trains that make many stops in Queens still carry mostly non-Queens residents, since the handful of Queens stops are mostly easily reachable by subway and have relatively low LIRR ridership. The only likely exception is the Port Washington Bra. Compare the normal LIRR crowds to the LIRR crowds during the transit strike last year.)

When people rush to catch the subway, it's when it's leaving in three seconds, not three minutes. And people do it even when there are no empty seats -- in other words, it's not seats they're after; they simply want to catch the train. What happens when a seat empties up on the subway? Usually it sits empty for a few seconds (or minutes) until somebody standing nearby, seeing that nobody else wants it, claims it. Once in a while there's a slight conflict as two people aim for the same seat. I rarely see more than two -- unless you have a particularly good reason to sit, it's just not worth the trouble.


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