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Re: Capital University (Columbus OH) drops “Crusaders”, mascot Cappy the Crusader

Posted by SLRT on Fri Jul 17 09:15:00 2020, in response to Re: Capital University (Columbus OH) drops “Crusaders”, mascot Cappy the Crusader, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jul 16 16:13:18 2020.

"Erasing history" isn't such a problem because not that many really give a FFF for history in the first place.

It's rewriting history that bothers me more.

Case in point: Woodrow Wilson. He was venerated in my school learnings as an intellectual and progressive, and in Democratic politics until recently.

I could literally write a book about the flaws and dangers of the man, from his suppression of civil liberties through his naive internationalism to his bringing America into a bloody war after he won reelection for promising to keep the U.S. out.

And that's just a start.

But what will he be vilified for: Being a garden variety racism Southern Democrat, a creature of his time.

Talk about missing a teachable moment.


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