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Re: Capital University (Columbus OH) drops “Crusaders”, mascot Cappy the Crusader

Posted by Olog-hai on Fri Jul 17 11:15:58 2020, in response to Re: Capital University (Columbus OH) drops “Crusaders”, mascot Cappy the Crusader, posted by SLRT on Fri Jul 17 09:15:00 2020.

to his bringing America into a bloody war after he won reelection for promising to keep the U.S. out

We weren't in that war very long. And frankly, using Mexico as a back door for invading the USA was a very real danger; the Kaiser had already said that he intended to unite Europe "against America", and Wilson's slogan to keep the US "out of war" was craven, just like his refusal to avenge the attack on the Lusitania. (TR was reported to have said in response to that slogan "He Kept Us Out Of War" and to Wilson's habit of sending the Kaiser notes begging him to not attack ships with US citizens on board: "I was president for 7½ years, and if I were president today, I would send the Kaiser just one note—and he would know that I meant it!")


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