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Re: Was Floyd killing personal, rather than impersonal racism?

Posted by JayZeeBMT on Fri Jun 12 06:47:01 2020, in response to Re: Was Floyd killing personal, rather than impersonal racism?, posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jun 11 17:23:11 2020.

That is incorrect:

"The White Lion and the Treasurer had sailed from a Dutch port in 1619. That summer they captured the São João Bautista and seized 50 men and women, perhaps all the two ships had room to transport. The pirates/privateers immediately sailed to Point Comfort. Virginia was a familiar destination for the Treasurer. Deputy governor Samuel Argall was a part owner, and the Treasurer had transported Pocahontas to England in 1616.

John Rolfe reported to the Virginia Company later that the White Lion arrived first, near the end of August, with about half of the people stolen from the Portuguese ship. The ship captain needed to make a sale in Virginia; taking his stolen cargo to a Spanish settlement was not an easy alternative, and there was no market for a shipload of Africans in England."-A History Of Slavery In Virginia, Thurmond, R., Palladium, 1981.


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