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Re: AOC plays the race card

Posted by Henry R32 #3730 on Sat Aug 24 20:44:54 2019, in response to Re: AOC plays the race card, posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Aug 24 19:59:32 2019.

Moderate is a matter of policy. It so happens that I find less of Trump's policies distasteful than I do the current democrat contenders' policies, and I find a lot of the TDS inspired rhetoric to be pointless distraction.

According to Facebook's automatic profiling of me for ad targeting, I'm "US Politics: Very Liberal" (lol). According to NY Times' useless profiler, I'm a democrat voter.

But here are my stances on a variety of topics, you can't really put me in either the Conservative or Liberal camp:
1. pro-universal healthcare (done properly - stop making it more expensive plz)
2. pro-1st, 2nd and 4th amendments to the fullest extent
3. anti-taxes and anti-spending on the federal level (shift as much to the states as possible)
4. pro-life with exceptions
5. pro-border security (as long as it's not a damn wall) - this was a Democrat position as well until TDS
6. pro-immigration reform (make it easier for people to get here legally) - this is anti-corporatist, neither side wants to give up their indentured servitude visas for something better, and an easier migration path for all who apply would make them pointless
7. pro-legalization of drugs (prohibition is an expensive boondoggle that props up criminal enterprise)
8. anti-war and foreign intervention (expensive, let's give someone else a turn at being world police)
9. anti-death penalty with exceptions (maybe if someone's proven to have done it beyond all doubt, not just reasonable)
10. pro-Israel
11. pro-free speech (this is beyond 1st Amendment as I believe it should apply to private companies that have become online versions of the public square - as it stands now oil companies could pool their money, hostile takeover something like twitter or facebook, and ban any discussion of climate change because it's bad for business)
12. pro-federal EPA (something that puts me at odds with big-L Libertarians)
13. pro-gay marriage, against all laws banning homosexual activity (many are still on the books)
14. pro-minimum wage per state, anti-federal minimum wage. NYC's should probably be higher than $15 but forcing $15/hr on Puerto Rico is going to wreck their economy even more. The $7.25/hr one wrecked American Samoa's economy. One size does not fit all here.
15. pro-student loan repayment assistance (immediately reduce interest to 0, or make it possible to discharge the debt via bankruptcy).
16. anti-"woke" politics. Sorry, but I will use gendered language, there are only two sexes, reparations shouldn't happen, and illegally crossing the US border should be punished with deportaion.


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