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Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube)

Posted by Gold_12th on Tue Nov 11 22:23:49 2014


An uncorked Queens bus driver was captured Tuesday morning on video cursing out - and then wrestling with a teenager who wanted a free ride.

“I’m going to kick your ass,” the driver bellows at one point before shoving the much smaller teen on a Q112 bus in Jamaica.

“I feel tough every FUCKING day, little boy!” the driver also yells into the teen’s face during the approximately three-minute video that a passenger posted on YouTube.

Police identified the teen as Kobe Vaughan, 16, of Queens.

After the on-board clash, Vaughan threw a garbage can at the bus, damaging the front door, police said.

He was arrested and charged with misdemeanor criminal mischief, police said.

The driver was not charged - but his career may have come to an abrupt halt.

“Bus operators are instructed to avoid any type of altercation in cases involving fare evasion,” MTA spokesman Kevin Ortiz said. “The incident is under investigation.”

One veteran transit worker predicted the driver would be fired.

“He’s done,” the official said. “There’s no way he’s getting out of that one.”

Vaughan boarded at Guy R. Brewer Blvd. and Jamaica Ave. and quietly asked for a free ride, according to the passenger who took the video and entitled her YouTube posting, “Child Abused by MTA Bus Driver.”

The driver refused the freebie request and tensions escalated from there, the rider said.

In the video, Vaughan refuses to get off, claiming the driver broke the rules and “put his hands on me.”

Insults were then hurled back and forth.

Vaughan called the driver “tough guy” and “superman.”

“The bus company doesn’t care about you, sir,” Vaughan says. “You work for white people that don’t care about you.”

The driver called Vaughan a “bum nigger with no money.”

“It’s just a matter of time before a white man’s going to come pick you up and get you off the bus anyway,” the driver says. “There will be a cop passing by, don’t worry.”

Towards the end of the video, the driver shoves Vaughan hard up against the front door in an apparent bid to force him off. The two grapple for about 25 seconds before the video stops.

The woman rider said the two tussled for another two or three minutes before the driver managed to push Vaughan to the street.

“It was really horrible,” she said. “It was unbelievable. I didn’t think it would escalate to that point.”

The driver called Vaughan a “bum nigger with no money.”

“It’s just a matter of time before a white man’s going to come pick you up and get you off the bus anyway,” the driver says. “There will be a cop passing by, don’t worry.”

Towards the end of the video, the driver shoves Vaughan hard up against the front door in an apparent bid to force him off. The two grapple for about 25 seconds before the video stops.

The woman rider said the two tussled for another two or three minutes before the driver managed to push Vaughan to the street.

“It was really horrible,” she said. “It was unbelievable. I didn’t think it would escalate to that point.”

The bus driver should let it go!

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Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube)

Posted by The ORION Kid on Tue Nov 11 23:16:24 2014, in response to Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube), posted by Gold_12th on Tue Nov 11 22:23:49 2014.

Watch them give the kid the felony bus operator assault charge while the driver gets off. smh

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Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube)

Posted by Gold_12th on Tue Nov 11 23:24:53 2014, in response to Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube), posted by Gold_12th on Tue Nov 11 22:23:49 2014.

link to article

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Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube)

Posted by Gold_12th on Wed Nov 12 12:01:37 2014, in response to Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube), posted by Gold_12th on Tue Nov 11 22:23:49 2014.

Bus operator has been suspended. MTA is investigating this incident.

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Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube)

Posted by randyo on Wed Nov 12 15:30:04 2014, in response to Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube), posted by The ORION Kid on Tue Nov 11 23:16:24 2014.

I doubt that would be the case since the video bears out that the driver is the aggressor. I don’t know what the MTA Bus subsidiary rules are but NYCTA rules specifically state that “UNDRER NO CIRCUMSTANCES shall an employee assault a passenger.” Since the teen did not physically assault the driver, that driver cannot in any stretch of the imagination even think about claiming self defense.

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Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube)

Posted by Jimbo Kalin on Wed Nov 12 15:37:30 2014, in response to Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube), posted by Gold_12th on Tue Nov 11 23:24:53 2014.

Do not ask for a free ride, do not expect a free ride, pay your fare like everyone should and this would not have escalated to physical violence. I viewed the video numerous times and I believe the first physical contact was the farebeater bumping the driver.

If this happened in a restaurant or a shop this person would be arrested, no doubt at all. What makes some people think they are entitled to a free ride. What a wise-ass punk!

I will use this video as a driver training aid on what NOT to do in this situation.

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Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube)

Posted by Bill from Maspeth on Wed Nov 12 15:50:09 2014, in response to Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube), posted by The ORION Kid on Tue Nov 11 23:16:24 2014.

The kid had a history of bullying the b/o. He let the kid ride for free before and told him it must stop. He verbally assaulted the b/o even when he rode for free.

The b/o had enough. So would you when you had to deal with this while your wife has stage 4 cancer. If this man gets fired he and his wife will have no place to turn.

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Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube)

Posted by Petabread2 on Wed Nov 12 15:52:25 2014, in response to Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube), posted by Gold_12th on Wed Nov 12 12:01:37 2014.

Driver is clearly at fault. Until the Mta cares and finds a solution to fare beating then the driver shouldn't have done anything. The driver is too aggressive here.

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Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube)

Posted by Bill from Maspeth on Wed Nov 12 15:57:08 2014, in response to Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube), posted by Petabread2 on Wed Nov 12 15:52:25 2014.

What is your solution to fare beating?

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Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube)

Posted by Kevin from Midwood on Wed Nov 12 17:36:31 2014, in response to Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube), posted by Gold_12th on Tue Nov 11 22:23:49 2014.

Vaughan boarded at Guy R. Brewer Blvd. and Jamaica Ave.

Is this an error? I'm not familiar with the route, but the Q112 doesn't stop there according to Bus Time.

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Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube)

Posted by r33/r36 mainline on Wed Nov 12 20:04:28 2014, in response to Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube), posted by Kevin from Midwood on Wed Nov 12 17:36:31 2014.

If the Q112 is the route that goes to Belmont Park then it does travel though the intersection, not sure if it has an actual bus stop there though.

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Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube)

Posted by SubBus aka ENY Local on Wed Nov 12 20:58:47 2014, in response to Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube), posted by r33/r36 mainline on Wed Nov 12 20:04:28 2014.

The Q111 and Q112 stop at Archer and Guy Brew, a block away. The Q110 runs on Jamaica Ave, but does not have a stop at Guy Brew......

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Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube)

Posted by N6 Limited on Thu Nov 13 03:44:53 2014, in response to Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube), posted by Bill from Maspeth on Wed Nov 12 15:50:09 2014.

Exactly, people like to judge too quickly. There had to be repeat offences for the driver to be that irate.

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Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube)

Posted by Jimbo Kalin on Thu Nov 13 06:59:46 2014, in response to Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube), posted by Bill from Maspeth on Wed Nov 12 15:57:08 2014.

My drivers are told: Don't move the bus until fare is paid. Remind the passenger that a fare must be placed in the farebox. If passenger goes to sit without paying announce on the PA that the passenger must pay a fare. If still no fare, call in on two-way radio speaking LOUDLY that you have a problem with a passenger on the bus that MAY require police assistance. Usually farebeater will leave bus (doors are left open) or other passengers will begin to grumble about how the farebeater is holding up the bus. (buses run every 1/2 hour or hourly) If all else fails bus stays in place and police are summoned. As I stated the farebeater usually wants nothing to do with the police and will leave the bus. Of course if driver doesn't do any of the above the farebeater just sits and the bus leaves.

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Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube)

Posted by Bill from Maspeth on Thu Nov 13 10:45:25 2014, in response to Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube), posted by Jimbo Kalin on Thu Nov 13 06:59:46 2014.

IDK which system you are refering to but in NYC someone will get up and swipe an unlimited card, other passengers will scream at the b/o to move the bus, or the perp may assault the driver.

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Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube)

Posted by Jimbo Kalin on Thu Nov 13 10:54:57 2014, in response to Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube), posted by Bill from Maspeth on Thu Nov 13 10:45:25 2014.

My system is Suffolk County Transit (NY) serving eastern Long Island, routes S92, 8A, 10D & 10E.

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Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube)

Posted by bx36ltd on Thu Nov 13 12:32:36 2014, in response to Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube), posted by Gold_12th on Wed Nov 12 12:01:37 2014.

Smells like yet another lawsuit

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Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube)

Posted by Transitbuff on Fri Nov 14 10:40:34 2014, in response to Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube), posted by Jimbo Kalin on Thu Nov 13 10:54:57 2014.

How prevalent is fare beating in your agency territory?

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Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube)

Posted by Jimbo Kalin on Fri Nov 14 15:55:37 2014, in response to Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube), posted by Transitbuff on Fri Nov 14 10:40:34 2014.

There are drivers who let some ride free, there are passengers depositing slugs or foreign coins in the farebox, and other passengers abusing the system by claiming they are entitled to one of the reduced fares. We have many drivers that are hard working, tax paying honest citizens who get upset when people walk on and breeze by the farebox. But fortunately it does not happen often. (this is the more rural east end of Suffolk County)

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