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Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube)

Posted by Jimbo Kalin on Wed Nov 12 15:37:30 2014, in response to Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube), posted by Gold_12th on Tue Nov 11 23:24:53 2014.

Do not ask for a free ride, do not expect a free ride, pay your fare like everyone should and this would not have escalated to physical violence. I viewed the video numerous times and I believe the first physical contact was the farebeater bumping the driver.

If this happened in a restaurant or a shop this person would be arrested, no doubt at all. What makes some people think they are entitled to a free ride. What a wise-ass punk!

I will use this video as a driver training aid on what NOT to do in this situation.

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