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Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube)

Posted by Jimbo Kalin on Thu Nov 13 06:59:46 2014, in response to Re: Q112 bus driver vs. a dumbass teen farebeater fight (youtube), posted by Bill from Maspeth on Wed Nov 12 15:57:08 2014.

My drivers are told: Don't move the bus until fare is paid. Remind the passenger that a fare must be placed in the farebox. If passenger goes to sit without paying announce on the PA that the passenger must pay a fare. If still no fare, call in on two-way radio speaking LOUDLY that you have a problem with a passenger on the bus that MAY require police assistance. Usually farebeater will leave bus (doors are left open) or other passengers will begin to grumble about how the farebeater is holding up the bus. (buses run every 1/2 hour or hourly) If all else fails bus stays in place and police are summoned. As I stated the farebeater usually wants nothing to do with the police and will leave the bus. Of course if driver doesn't do any of the above the farebeater just sits and the bus leaves.


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