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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Jun 7 11:14:47 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by checkmatechamp13 on Mon Jun 6 21:07:00 2011.

It's not about the reality in this situation; it's about the perception.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Jun 7 11:17:28 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by checkmatechamp13 on Tue Jun 7 11:14:26 2011.

Todt Hill brings decent ridership to the S54, and although I don't ride express buses I always see people waiting for the X10 over there.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by (SIR) North Shore Line on Tue Jun 7 11:18:38 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Jun 7 11:17:28 2011.

Todt Hill brings decent ridership to the S54 because that's all they have. Give them a route to St. George and the S54 will be empty as if it isn't already.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Jun 7 11:19:32 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Jun 7 11:17:28 2011.

Just because they're waiting for the bus there doesn't mean they live there. Many people walk or drive from further up Manor to get to the xbus.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by (SIR) North Shore Line on Tue Jun 7 11:22:06 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by checkmatechamp13 on Tue Jun 7 11:14:26 2011.

I agree about the S57, as it's definitely busier than the S54. But in West Brighton the S54s are empty, transit-dependent or not. It wasn't up for elimination last year for no reason!

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by (SIR) North Shore Line on Tue Jun 7 11:29:51 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by checkmatechamp13 on Tue Jun 7 11:13:07 2011.

That's not true because for the longest the S61 had 20 & 30 minute headways and recently they changed it to every 15 minutes and that requires an additional bus or two.

Not all changes are going to be cost-neutral for them. And especially for Staten Island because they actually owe Staten Island some extra service as for years the excuse was "no depot space" whenever asked for extra service. The SI Advance actually covered that issue multiple times, if you want me to pull up the articles. All 4 SI depots are operational now, so let the service additions commence!

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by (SIR) North Shore Line on Tue Jun 7 11:33:30 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by checkmatechamp13 on Tue Jun 7 11:04:33 2011.

If that were the case then I would be all for that plan as long as Manor Rd & Bradley both have St. George access.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Jun 7 11:47:57 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by checkmatechamp13 on Tue Jun 7 11:13:07 2011.

What applied in the past won't necessarily apply in the future, or even the now. If there's an option to increase service AND increase revenue, its worth exploring that option. Given that the service pattern along Manor and Bradley has been what it is, without a direct connection to the ferry via Manor for several DECADES, is there really a community desire for such service? There hasn't been the later development there, as there has been on the south shore where the 74, 55, and 56 have been expanded to serve.

You don't have to connect every possible destination pair, or run a bus that serves a major destination along every main road. Manor and Bradley are just over 1/2 mile apart, a reasonable distance to walk to transit. The Todt Hill Houses are LESS than 1/2 mile from Victory Blvd. So the assumption can be made that people going to the ferry from these areas are already walking to the direct routes. Routing the 54 to the ferry will have the effect of reducing the ridership of the other nearby routes...which will then have their headways reduced.

On the north side of Victory, Manor and Jewett are likewise about 1/2 mile apart; it's one mile from Forest to Victory along Manor, making the longest walk to a bus to the ferry ~1/2 mile; again, a reasonable distance to walk for service.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by (SIR) North Shore Line on Tue Jun 7 12:04:58 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Jun 7 11:47:57 2011.

I agree in that those that live in the Todt Hill area have been coping just fine without direct ferry access. I don't see the need to change anything about the current S54 & S57 routes. But having to walk 1/2 mile to Victory Blvd can be looked at as an inconvenience to many people who don't want to walk or wait "forever" for the S54. Hopefully the MTA will realize that and look at how they can better serve those in that area.

And I also agree that not every single street needs to be served and that is why I posted my version of the fantasy map. The MTA needs to focus it's priorities on introducing off-peak limited service to Staten Island on the major streets before anything else, IMO. So falling back on what you said, at least after having to walk that 1/2 mile, you have a quick ride to St. George rather than a 30 minute local bus ride & missing a ferry in the process.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Jun 7 12:09:29 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by (SIR) North Shore Line on Tue Jun 7 12:04:58 2011.

I agree in that those that live in the Todt Hill area have been coping just fine without direct ferry access.

With the amount of people that use the S54 there despite its service & where it goes, rerouting the S61 through Todt Hill should most definitely be looked into. Manor Road also has a lot of stores along it.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by (SIR) North Shore Line on Tue Jun 7 12:17:03 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Jun 7 12:09:29 2011.

I agree, it is something that should definitely be looked into at this point. But to contrast, where were the angry S54 riders when service got cut? They didn't make any noise at all because you have to remember that this is an affluent area where they choose to drive before choosing to wait for a bus.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by (SIR) North Shore Line on Tue Jun 7 12:21:29 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Jun 7 12:09:29 2011.

I honestly think that Manor Rd riders would benefit more from frequent, steady, off-peak & peak limited service along Victory Blvd which would have been provided by the S91 in my plan. There's other costs involved with a S61 via Todt Hill including setting up bus stops where there were none before.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by LRG5784 on Tue Jun 7 12:22:47 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Jun 7 11:47:57 2011.

You don't have to connect every possible destination pair, or run a bus that serves a major destination along every main road. Manor and Bradley are just over 1/2 mile apart, a reasonable distance to walk to transit. The Todt Hill Houses are LESS than 1/2 mile from Victory Blvd. So the assumption can be made that people going to the ferry from these areas are already walking to the direct routes. Routing the 54 to the ferry will have the effect of reducing the ridership of the other nearby routes...which will then have their headways reduced.

Agreed 100%. To add on, the S54 acts as a feeder route to the buses that serve the ferry: the S61/62 on Victory, the S48 on Forest, the S46 on Castleton, the S44 on Cary, and the S40 on Richmond Terrace. Is there really a need to send another route to the ferry? Maybe yes, maybe no, but I'll have to say no. Is it really that difficult for people to transfer?

As I've said the only thing that really needs to be done is to restore weekend S54 service along Manor Road but that's it.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by LRG5784 on Tue Jun 7 12:24:42 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by (SIR) North Shore Line on Tue Jun 7 12:21:29 2011.

I'm not 100% sure but isn't the DOT in charge of the bus stops and not the MTA?

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by (SIR) North Shore Line on Tue Jun 7 12:28:46 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by LRG5784 on Tue Jun 7 12:22:47 2011.

Also, something else some people here don't seem to know is that the S54 is scheduled to meet up with the routes that it crosses. From West Brighton, it leaves a couple minutes after the S40 hits Broadway and from there it usually meets up with every other bus along the way. And it's the same on other side with the S78.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Jun 7 12:34:08 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by (SIR) North Shore Line on Tue Jun 7 12:17:03 2011.

There was nothing to complain about, the S54 isn't of much use to anyone that's not a school student, and it runs so infrequently that most people (even senior citizens sadly) walk to Victory Boulevard anyway.

I honestly think that Manor Rd riders would benefit more from frequent, steady, off-peak & peak limited service along Victory Blvd which would have been provided by the S91 in my plan. There's other costs involved with a S61 via Todt Hill including setting up bus stops where there were none before.

Looking at the S61's recovery time for most of the day, under my plan (serving Manor north of Holden), the change should be cost neutral since the reroute wouldn't add enough time to the trip to require another bus on the route, doesn't the DOT take care of bus stop costs?

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by LRG5784 on Tue Jun 7 12:38:06 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by (SIR) North Shore Line on Tue Jun 7 11:29:51 2011.

That's not true because for the longest the S61 had 20 & 30 minute headways and recently they changed it to every 15 minutes and that requires an additional bus or two.

That's because ridership growth called for the service increases. For example, the S79 in 1993 was running under half-hour frequency during off-peak hours but fast forward ten years later and it is now the second-most used bus route out of Staten Island and is also Yukon's busiest route.

If you are going to increase service on a line then make sure there is demand for it. When a bus is basically carrying more air than passengers then runs will be cut and service will be reduced, no questions asked!

I do agree that the service should now be better now that there are four depots in SI compared to 2009 when there were only two, but have patience! There are now more maintenance bays so buses can get the attention they need, and I rarely experience abandoned intervals anymore. Late buses, yes, but it's better than no bus at all.

Remember, service increases don't happen overnight!

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by LRG5784 on Tue Jun 7 12:41:14 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by (SIR) North Shore Line on Tue Jun 7 12:28:46 2011.

Well, the routes that cross the S54 operate more frequently than the S54 itself so depending on the time of day, there really shouldn't be any reason why anyone should have to wait more than 15 minutes for a bus.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Jun 7 13:30:57 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by (SIR) North Shore Line on Tue Jun 7 12:04:58 2011.

No matter what, you miss the ferry...it's the nature of the beast out here. And you miss it by a minute, or the doors close as you enter the terminal. The only reliable means of getting to the ferry to get the boat you intend to get is the train.

If there was a need for more frequent service on routes like the 54, the service wouldn't have been cut the way it was, because people would be riding it. They had few riders at 20 minute headways, so they cut it to 30.

With all the advanced trip planning info available via the web or a smart phone, there's no excuse for planning your departure so poorly that you're waiting more than five minutes to make your on-schedule connection.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Jun 7 13:34:05 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Jun 7 12:09:29 2011.

The stores on Manor Rd aren't they type that attract people who will make a trip to go there; they're small restaurants and neighborhood shops like delis, pizza, banks, and Chinese food. Nothing that says "COME HERE FOR THIS!" loudly enough to make a trip that requires transit.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Jun 7 13:36:49 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by LRG5784 on Tue Jun 7 12:24:42 2011.

DOT is in charge of stops, but the MTA has to tell them where the route is.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Jun 7 13:45:59 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by checkmatechamp13 on Tue Jun 7 11:11:19 2011.

Inbound trips, people from the south side of the expressway board at Richmond and Lamberts. Outbound, they disembark at multiple stops along Lamberts. There's one additional stop along Goethals Rd N, but I've never seen anyone get on there.

From the north side of the expressway, people board at Goethals Rd N and Richmond, or Goethals Rd N and South Ave. Outbound, they either take the x30, which stops at South and Forest (for the stop at South and Goethals) x10 or x12 (which stop a little further up Richmond) or x17 at Richmond and Lamberts, and walk to the north side; they're not usually far from that intersection or they're parked their cars near that stop.

For a local bus, it would be different because there would be multiple stops along that stretch, and there's no viable reverse path for the bus that makes the walk convenient to the potential passengers.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by LRG5784 on Tue Jun 7 13:49:54 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Jun 7 13:36:49 2011.

Thanks for clarifying.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by (SIR) North Shore Line on Tue Jun 7 13:54:15 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Jun 7 13:30:57 2011.

I would definitely argue that the limited buses are just as reliable as the train these days. Ridership on Staten Island hits it peak when the limited buses are running the most because people can actually travel within reasonable time. When the limited buses end, ridership on Staten Island dips low again so I will boldly state that if the MTA was to provide limited service throughout the day on the busier routes, the ridership will be more than there.

Planning your trip is nice to say but when it's executed properly, in the end you still have to rely on the bus service which can be flaky at times. A bus could be scheduled to arrive at St. George at 8:52am but if it's running even a few minutes late which happens often, then your plans mean nothing. With the limited buses, even if they ran at 30 minute intervals, you would have a quick and predictable ride to/from the ferry.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Jun 7 14:01:48 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Jun 7 13:34:05 2011.

People work at restaurants, and people take the bus to drug stores, supermarkets, and banks, as you can see even riding the current S54. Manor Road is still the better ridership generator over Bradley Avenue between Holden and Victory, and rerouting the S61 up Manor Road will probably better serve the needs of that area than the current configuration.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by Edwards! on Tue Jun 7 14:09:30 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by (SIR) North Shore Line on Tue Jun 7 12:17:03 2011.

i know folks who live in TODT HILL HOUSES..They bitched enough about the service change..but were IGNORED!

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Jun 7 14:25:03 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by LRG5784 on Tue Jun 7 12:38:06 2011.

I don't recall the year, but when did they shift the 79 to go to Brooklyn instead of the ferry? Did that coincide with the ridership explosion?

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Jun 7 14:26:36 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by (SIR) North Shore Line on Tue Jun 7 13:54:15 2011.

You're making the mistake of assuming peak level ridership during the middays when that ridership isn't there.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by Edwards! on Tue Jun 7 14:30:25 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by LRG5784 on Tue Jun 7 12:38:06 2011.

hell..I live near a depot that throws away intervales all the time!

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Jun 7 14:36:28 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by Edwards! on Tue Jun 7 14:09:30 2011.

I had a feeling that was the case. There's no way Todt Hill Houses is happy with their current public transit situation, but they probably just don't have the affluence to get the MTA to listen. I've read online that there are (or at least used to be) some housing projects in Staten Island that actually have vacancies, but people would still rather put their name on a years-long waiting list to live in the other 4 boroughs simply because it's a PITA to get to Staten Island, and Todt Hill surely isn't helping that perception.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by Edwards! on Tue Jun 7 14:37:50 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Jun 7 14:36:28 2011.


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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by LRG5784 on Tue Jun 7 14:39:25 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Jun 7 14:25:03 2011.

I'm not sure. I don't recall myself the year the S79 started going to Brooklyn, as I don't have any SI maps older than November 1993 (that map shows the S79 going to Brooklyn) that shows off-peak service 30 minutes. I do have a March 1998 map that shows off-peak service was 15-20 minutes, and rush hour service 10 minutes so overtime the ridership levels have increased to its current status.

One thing I am aware of is Sunday service has ended later than what it normally was in the 90s.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by LRG5784 on Tue Jun 7 14:42:22 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by Edwards! on Tue Jun 7 14:30:25 2011.

LOL, Fresh Pond???

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Jun 7 14:47:47 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Jun 7 14:01:48 2011.

Not these places. These are all neighborhood mom & pop (and extended family) places, with limited exception. There isn't much in the way of major chain stores that would attract people from outside the neighborhood, since there are closer locations to their neighborhoods. These M&P shops are staffed by family and friends, or their immigrant labor arrives by bicycle, which has nothing to do with the availability of bus service and more to do with their lifestyle and living arrangements.

The exceptions arrive by car, and they're not going to choose the bus.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by (SIR) North Shore Line on Tue Jun 7 14:55:25 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Jun 7 14:26:36 2011.

The ridership doesn't just disappear when the "MTA's rush hours" end, they just dramatically drop service levels during the 9am hour while potential ridership doesn't actually drop during those times. There's less buses on the road, which means longer headways and thus many people plan around using the local bus service (cabs, drive, xbus,etc).

If the limited service were there, it would attract new and existing riders, become self-sustaining and eventually cost-neutral. It's not a matter of "if", it's a matter of when MTA will finally do it.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by Edwards! on Tue Jun 7 14:59:52 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by LRG5784 on Tue Jun 7 14:42:22 2011.


FIRST TRY..and you got it!

Damn..it's just that bad..

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by LRG5784 on Tue Jun 7 15:06:40 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by Edwards! on Tue Jun 7 14:59:52 2011.

Trust me, I've heard stories!

Fresh Pond has to be the worst depot out of the entire Brooklyn Division, hands down!

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by Edwards! on Tue Jun 7 15:12:21 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by LRG5784 on Tue Jun 7 15:06:40 2011.

yup...no doubt about it!

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Jun 7 15:23:59 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Jun 7 14:47:47 2011.

The "limited exception" places are the closet places of those types for many in that service area, and those are places people (namely seniors) and workers will take the bus to get to. I doubt that every worker over there commutes by bicycle because I've seen some of the people that work over there on the S54 despite the route's nature, so there has to be some sort of demand. That purpose is secondary though to finally giving the more transit-dependent Todt Hill houses a bus to the ferry and the mall, something they've probably been wanting for a while but don't have due to little political leverage.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by checkmatechamp13 on Tue Jun 7 17:07:06 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by LRG5784 on Tue Jun 7 14:39:25 2011.

You're right. Sunday service used to end at about 6:30PM Brooklyn-bound, and I believe around 8PM SI-bound.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by checkmatechamp13 on Tue Jun 7 17:11:02 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by (SIR) North Shore Line on Tue Jun 7 12:17:03 2011.

But you have to consider part of the reason why they don't use the bus: It is infrequent and doesn't go anywhere. All of the areas it serves have plenty of free parking, making driving the obvious choice for anybody with a car.

For example, the S62 and S66 serve areas that are similar to the S54 (I would say the S66 more than the S62), yet the ridership on the S66 is higher than the S54 because it goes to St. George.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by checkmatechamp13 on Tue Jun 7 17:13:37 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by LRG5784 on Tue Jun 7 12:22:47 2011.

But you have to consider: Would anybody really want to make two transfers just to reach Manhattan? Think about it: You are depending on a bus that runs every 30 minutes to meet up with another bus that runs every 15 minutes, which may or may not meet the ferry.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by checkmatechamp13 on Tue Jun 7 17:14:39 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Jun 7 13:30:57 2011.

When did the S54 have 20 minute headways (outside of rush hours and scholl dismissal times)?

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by checkmatechamp13 on Tue Jun 7 17:15:51 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Jun 7 12:34:08 2011.

If the S61 (or S91 if it replaces the S61 off-peak) was rerouted to Brielle Avenue, it would serve Susan Wagner High School and not require any additional buses.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Jun 7 17:21:32 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by (SIR) North Shore Line on Tue Jun 7 14:55:25 2011.

Staten Island simply doesn't have the transit-dependent ridership that would require increased weekday service. When it was there, it wasn't used. From the perspective of the transit agency, "Why run two buses at 1/3 capacity when you can run one full bus?"

This was not a sudden phenomenon.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Jun 7 17:27:34 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Jun 7 15:23:59 2011.

Not enough of a demand to increase bus service. Public transit isn't designed to make sure that the 10 people a day who will go from point F to point Y can do so with a one seat ride; it's designed so 1000 people can go from point A to point B, point C, or point D in the most efficient way possible.

Again, the Todt Hill houses are 1/2 of a mile from Victory Blvd, where they can get any bus to the ferry, and the 61 to the mall.

No, those aren't the closet places for them either, ESPECIALLY if they're traveling by bus. How do you know what their actual destination is? Did you ask them when they got off the bus?

And those residents aren't nearly as transit dependent as you think they are.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by checkmatechamp13 on Tue Jun 7 17:30:08 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Jun 7 13:45:59 2011.

1) There are actually only 2 stops on Lamberts Lane: May Avenue and Richmond Avenue. Plus, inbound, passengers on the western end of Lamberts Lane have a really long walk to a bus stop (either Richmond Avenue/Christopher Lane or Goethals Road North/South Avenue)

2) There might be people transferring from other routes that could take the S93, as well as people who live a few blocks from either South Avenue or Richmond Avenue.

For example, in the morning, I walk to Richmond Avenue and take the S44, S59, or S89 to get to Port Richmond. Going home, I either take the S44 or S46 (I live in the middle of the two routes, so the difference is 10 minutes at most, discounting the waiting time)

Going home, I would be able to take a shorter walk to the S93, take it 1 or 2 stops to Richmond Avenue (depending on where the stops would be placed) and then transfer to the S44, S59 or S89.

Going home, I would be able to take the S46 to Goethals Road North, and then take the S93 and have a shorter walk home than from Richmond Avenue.

Plus, like I said, the S93 would allow areas near South Avenue to be connected to the areas near Richmond Avenue, as well as points further east (most notably, CSI and Brooklyn). Right now, the only option to get to Brooklyn is to take an east-west bus to the slow S53 (even with limited-stop service on the S53 and/or direct service into Mariners' Harbor through an S46 split, the S93 would still be the faster route)

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by checkmatechamp13 on Tue Jun 7 17:32:04 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by (SIR) North Shore Line on Tue Jun 7 13:54:15 2011.

I disagree that they are as reliable as the train. When I transfer to the S96 in the morning, it is very common for it to show up late (and crowded!). There have been times when the bus was 15 minutes late, and this is in Elm Park, not even an area further east like West Brighton.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Jun 7 17:32:40 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by checkmatechamp13 on Tue Jun 7 17:11:02 2011.

It's less about the frequency or destination, and more about the ability to NOT be tied to any schedule but their own.

Staten Island wasn't planned around transit dependance; it was designed around highways that were never completed. It's MEANT to be a car-dependent suburb within the city. People don't move here because it's convenient; they move here to get away from the relatively cramped conditions in the other boros.

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Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k)

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Jun 7 17:33:40 2011, in response to Re: Staten Island Fantasy Map (56k), posted by checkmatechamp13 on Tue Jun 7 17:13:37 2011.

That's EXACTLY what the MTA wants you to do, which is why Metrocard has multiple-transfers from certain points.

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