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Re: Bronx Bus Network Redesign Final Plan Addendum

Posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Dec 7 20:13:06 2021, in response to Re: Bronx Bus Network Redesign Final Plan Addendum, posted by checkmatechamp13 on Sun Dec 5 20:54:02 2021.

The Q8 had 5,000 daily riders in 2020. If one third of them use only the Q8 to make a trip, That is still 1,600 daily riders who could be potentially be inconvenienced like I mentioned. That is nothing to sneeze at.

Many more could be inconvenienced at one end of the trip.

What proof do you have that the number of minutes saved by buses going faster exceeds the amount of time lost by those inconvenienced and the number of new passengers that would be attracted to the system by saving a few minutes would exceede the number of passengers lost who would no longer use the Q8?


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